Our Refreshing Plan For 2013
2013 will be an exciting year for the YATAN Ayurvedic Centre. While we can’t promise immortality we have been working on the next best thing – Rejuvenation!
In my many years of study of Ayurveda I have been increasingly convinced that it is perfectly possible to live a very healthy life into old age. An early recollection is of being told by an acquaintance while discussing rejuvenation (Kaya Kalpa) about one of my grand gurus in Varanasi who had undertaken such a program. In the course of this program he experienced some great improvements. I asked what medicines he had taken, and he told me that there were many but he recalled one in particular – the Indian gooseberry Amalaki, known as ‘the great rejuvenator’. In fact combinations Amalaki is a highly effective herb used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine.
Observing time and again patients overcoming conditions that are normally attributed to the onset of old age, and consequently regarded as irreversible, I have been inspired to introduce a new program into our range of services, with the sole purpose of enabling older people to age gracefully. This year the new program will be trialled at the clinic.
When I went to India over the Christmas period I found my mother in a poor state of health, in spite of having no specific illness. She is 70+ years of age and weighs only 29 Kg. At the time of my arrival she was spending most of the day sleeping and had no interest in food or interaction with others. I am delighted that she has agreed to follow a rejuvenation program for one year and she has come back to Australia with me for this purpose. Initially the program will focus on rejuvenation of the digestive system and of the brain hormones – the two systems which most commonly slow down at this stage of life. Throughout this period records of her progress will be kept and these will be released monthly with photographs. They will record any relevant developments, in such details as improvements to skin, eyes, style of walking and energy levels. We will also be encouraging media participation, so watch this space!

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*