What’s Different about the Yatan Weight Loss Program?
The media are awash with weight loss programs and confusion reigns about which are the best. Sadly, a close inspection will reveal that they are not generally based on sound science. A large percentage are based purely on calorie counting, even often in the case of fad diets permitting limited amounts of junk food as an occasional ‘treat’, while others are more concerned with exercise. People who embark on these weight loss plans are frequently excited when they note an initial decrease in their weight, only to later experience disappointment when they find that they are putting the pounds back on. To make matters worse, they often don’t feel good while following the program.
When a weight loss diet is being followed the body’s metabolic rate slows down considerably, actually making it harder to lose weight. Aging is actually accelerated, because the most important factors have been overlooked: adequate nourishment and detoxification where this is called for. Weight control issues can arise when there is a metabolic imbalance or when the digestive process is not optimal. The causes can vary greatly from one individual to the next and are not always related to an unhealthy diet, for example stress can slow down the metabolic rate considerably.
The Yatan Weight Loss Program is therefore highly individualized, because no two people embarking on a program have the same requirements. Different bodies have different ‘dumping sites’, such as the stomach, the thighs, the upper arms or the breasts. An effective program needs to change these routes of deposition, and detoxification of the appropriate organs is an important part of the regime. What we look for in every case is a symmetrical loss with every part of the body maintaining its correct proportion. We also look for certain signs that the program is proving effective; for example, when the neck becomes thinner this is a sign that the thyroid is working better.
The Ayurvedic weight loss plan involves:
- Improving digestion and changing the pathways of fat accumulation.
- Addressing liver and kidney function to ensure optimal elimination.
- Achieving a good protein/carbohydrate/fat balance to create the best weight loss diet.
- Participants are carefully instructed in an understanding of the body’s physiological timetable, so that they can take appropriate action. For example the early morning is the optimal time to flush out the kidneys – an important factor in maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Late evening is ‘gut time’: the worst time to eat heavy food as this is instrumental in causing weight gain.
- Rather than feeling weakened and waiting impatiently for the day of freedom to arrive when muffins, pasta and pizza can again become part of the daily routine, people who complete our weight loss program are delighted at how much more energetic they feel. Their skin acquires a glow and they sleep better, and all of this in addition to achieving their weight loss goal.
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Image courtesy of marin/freedigitalphotos.net

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