What is Vasculitis? Symptoms and Treatment
Vasculitis Treatment with Ayurveda – A Patient True Story
This story could have been about any ailment, but the point in telling it is that it neatly illustrates the profound differences between the western medical approach to illness and Ayurvedic principles of treatment.
What is Vasculitis?
Vasculitis is an inflammatory condition that ultimately destroys blood vessels, both arteries and veins being affected. Common vasculitis symptoms are; rash, fever, headache, general aches and pains, weight loss, nerve damage and numbness and loss of pulse in a limb.
A female patient of mine had been diagnosed with vasculitis and was given drugs which she was told she would need to take for a year. There was no guarantee that they would work and they also could have a number of unpleasant side effects. If these proved too severe for her the drug might need to be changed for another. Within two days she found the side effects of her mainstream vasculitis treatment so unpleasant that she decided to look elsewhere for a solution.
Vasculitis Treatment with Ayurveda :
I agreed to help the lady and she asked me if I had experience of treating the condition. She was somewhat surprised when I told her that I had not, and asked how I could hope to be of any help. I explained briefly the Ayurvedic principles of diagnosis and treatment through the balancing of the doshas. Ayurveda treats vasculitis by lowering Pitta to reduce inflammation, using medicines to repair the cells, cleanse the lymph,and rejuvenate the blood vessels.She asked how long it might take to see some results, and I replied that she could note some improvements in a few weeks, but that she should nevertheless continue to take the herbal medicines for up to a year. In three weeks she reported a 60% improvement in her vasculitis symptoms and said she did not want to continue with the herbs but I managed to persuade her to persevere. In another three weeks she announced that she was completely better, but she attributed this not to the Ayurvedic medicine but to other healing therapies she had been using, including quantum healing. She would definitely now be giving up the medicines. Six weeks later I had a call from her, asking if she could come back for further treatment; her vasculitis had returned with a vengeance. Within three weeks of resuming the medicine she was better again and once again she declared that she wanted to stop taking it. However, I was able to encourage her to carry on for a while longer and now, two years later, she is completely free of the problem.
Even if there had been no previous diagnosis, and even if the condition had not been given a name, the Ayurvedic approach would have been exactly the same. It was clear that the principles of Kapha – Pitta – Vata balance, in this case primarily the lowering of Pitta, were fundamental in her treatment. These, together with the use of medicines to repair the cells and cleanse the lymphatic system and to rejuvenate the blood vessels, were all that was required to restore balance. All, that is, apart from a dose of perseverance.
If you need a help regarding vasculitis treatment book an appointment at the YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260. Call us for free 10 minutes consultation.

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