Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) | Bladder & Urine Infection: Symptoms (Causes) & Treatment
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) & Bladder Infection:
Urinary tract infection (UTIs) are most commonly experienced in the lower parts of the urino-genital system – the bladder and urethra – and are caused by the activity of any one of a number of different strains of bacteria in those areas. They can cause extreme discomfort and if allowed to persist can spread to the kidneys and ureter, when serious conditions can develop. The usual treatment is a course of antibiotics, but these kill all bacteria, including the good strains, indiscriminately and this can expose the body to a host of other problems. Furthermore, the bladder infection often returns, possibly within weeks or months. The underlying cause has not been addressed.
Ayurveda, while it recognises that the strains of bacteria that cause the urinary tract infection symptoms do vary, does not involve itself in identifying the particular type. In all cases the condition is seen to be caused by an imbalance of Vata, Pitta or Kapha. In order to treat the problem effectively it is essential in the initial assessment to establish which of the three doshas is aggravated.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) symptoms according to dosha:
- In the case of excess Vata the symptoms of an UTI generally involve a dry itchiness, often accompanied by a feeling of obstruction
- Where excess Pitta is the problem the UTI symptoms will be a burning sensation and a frequent feeling of urgency, and blood will sometimes be seen in the urine
- With Kapha excess the tract may contain mucus, often seen as a white discharge. This form does not usually cause as much discomfort
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Treatment:
The Ayurvedic medicines chosen for treatment for UTI will always be matched to the individual dosha imbalance, for example Ashwagandha and Shatavari are often used to calm Vata, Gokshuradi and Vati powders for excess Pitta and specific warming and astringent herbs to pacify Kapha.
The diet also needs to be addressed to prevent a recurrence of the problem. For example, acidic foods, such as orange, mandarin, pineapple and strawberries will all aggravate Pitta, while bananas and yoghurt are to be avoided if the problem is a Kapha excess. In general, salty and sour foods are known to make the condition worse, while foods to be recommended include asparagus, especially as a soup, avocado and choko.
Additional water is advised to enhance the flow of urine.
A much less obvious underlying cause for bladder infection, which is generally not considered, relates to past stresses which can cause the sufferer to focus constantly on the urino-genital tract. This can involve relationship problems or abuse which affects the adrenals, causing the hormones in that area to become toxic, and as a result the organs in this system react adversely.
Only by careful assessment of the underlying cause can the debilitating problem of urine infection be permanently eradicated.
Contact for help if suffering with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms, Bladder Infection Symptoms & Urine Infection Symptoms.
Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre : Call us on on 1300 552 260 to book a consultation.

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