Signs of Tooth Decay In Children – Treatment
Tooth decay, or dental caries, can affect people of all ages.
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay is the erosion of the enamel that penetrates the deeper layers of the teeth, eventually exposing the nerve resulting in toothache. The black spots that appear on the teeth are signs of tooth decay.
Tooth decay in children
Children who eat a lot of sweets, have sweet drinks especially in a bottle or who eat sweet chewy foods are more at risk of tooth decay due to the acidic environment the foods create.
What causes tooth decay?
Tooth decay happens when there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth, the bacteria produces acids which erode the tooth enamel. Anyone whose diet includes a lot of refined carbohydrates is greatly at risk, as are older people when the system becomes more acidic. However, it can even happen with meat eaters, as so much of our food nowadays is processed and full of chemicals. When the system becomes over-acidic the body pulls calcium from the teeth in an attempt to neutralise the acidity, possibly as a result of an immune system reaction. This can cause hollows within the teeth. The situation is then further complicated as calcium requires other minerals to enable its absorption, for example magnesium and fluoride; the latter should not be confused with the fluoride which is sometimes added to water supplies and is in fact a waste product of fertiliser production. When the body has to juggle its resources in this way a complete mineral imbalance will inevitably result.
Ayurvedic tooth decay treatment
Treatment of tooth decay first and foremost involves eliminating the harmful bacteria. As well as cleaning the teeth it sets out to restore a healthy pH balance. Attention is given to the diet so as to ensure an adequate supply of minerals and some items, such as silica and mica, can be introduced in the form of medicines. Certain herbs greatly assist the treatment, including Arjuna, Amalaki and Triphala, and Asafoetida is especially good as an alkaliser, as an aid to digestion and as deterrent to bacteria, due to its strong smell. Acacia arabica is also helpful, as chewing it helps prevent plaque formation. Finally, some yoga practices such as head and shoulder stands can be very helpful in improving blood supply to the teeth.
Ayurveda sees the teeth as being part of the bone tissue. It is important to deal with tooth problems, tooth decay or periodontal disease quickly as they are likely to be a warning of bone problems in the future.
Call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre now on 1300 552 260 to book your consultation.
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