Yatan Menopause Treatment Program – Restoration and Rejuvenation
By many the menopause is simply thought of as a time when a woman ceases to menstruate and starts to suffer from hot flushes. In fact, the list of possible symptoms is long – take a look at our menopause symptoms checklist. These symptoms can range in severity from mildly irritating to severely debilitating.
Why do women vary so much in their symptoms?
According to Ayurveda all women have different constitutions. These are called ‘doshas’ and are an expression of the unique blend of physical, emotional and mental characteristics of the individual. To be harmonised during menopause women need support within all of these categories, but the type and degree of support varies greatly, which gives rise to a need for highly individualized menopause programs.
What about HRT or natural hormone replacement?
Because of the greatly varying needs of different women it is easy to see that the answer does not lie in simply supplying the deficient hormones in the form of hormone supplements, whether synthetic or ‘natural’. At worst, this approach could lead to serious health problems, such as:
- Clots
- Strokes
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- More complex hormonal imbalances
Additionally, this type of approach is of uncertain duration.
So How does Ayurveda differ from other naturopathic menopause approaches?
Given optimal conditions, the body is well equipped to achieve its own balance. This demands a truly holistic (whole body) approach which will take into account individual constitution and body type, and will involve personally tailored adjustments to healthy lifestyle and Ayurvedic diet, as well as herbal medicine.
The natural Ayurvedic approach to menopause treatment involving the appropriate use of herbs, together with attention to life-style and dietary factors, enables a good acid-alkaline balance, which prevents inflammation. The greatly improved ‘flow’ helps to prevent fat accumulation and weight gain, as well as having a rejuvenating effect.
What does our menopause program involve?
Ever since we first opened our clinic we have been helping women to achieve a smooth transition through this stage of their lives through our menopause programs. Typically, our menopause treatment looks at the digestive and eliminative systems as priorities, in particular liver and kidney function.
The clogging of the body’s channels by excess waste creates a barrier to healthy lymphatic flow, which means that vital materials, including hormones and enzymes, cannot be transported effectively where required, and waste products cannot be eliminated completely. In addition to individually prepared herbal combinations, a gentle menopause exercise program and breathing techniques are utilized to help open the body channels and improve transport.
How soon will you notice the benefits and how long will it take?
The benefits are soon experienced. However, the menopause program is designed to offer ongoing support throughout the entire menopausal period and beyond. This means that herbal formulations will be modified from time to time to reflect observed needs. Throughout the program ‘new’ problems are addressed as they become apparent.
What specific benefits can you expect?
- You will start to “feel better” as your symptoms lessen.
- You will experience enhanced energy levels, vitality, motivation and emotional balance.
- Your skin, eyes, digestive system balance and mood will all start to improve.
- The aging process slows down dramatically.
This whole body approach enables women who have completed the program to feel better than they have felt for a long time.An uncomfortable time of life can suddenly become a golden opportunity to address imbalances and thereby ensure improved overall good health and longevity.
Raman Das also presents a 2 hour menopause workshops “Beat Menopause!” on a regular basis in Sydney, Byron Bay and Townsville. Further details and upcoming dates are provided in our Seminars section. Go through our Menopause checklist and see how many of your symptoms could be related to menopause!
Don’t suffer with your menopausal symptoms!
Call our menopause centre today and book an appointment with Raman Das ph 1300 552 260
*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*