Good Mental Health or Emotional Health Treatment
The Impact Of Emotions On Our Health
Ask anyone what are the factors that need to be considered to ensure overall good health, and the chances are that any intelligent person will quickly come up with a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise. Few people, including health professionals, pay much attention to the role that emotional stability (mental health) plays as a vital component of overall health, but the fact is that emotional disturbances (mental health problems) left unchecked can ultimately affect any organ or system in the body.
In our society financial, work and relationship problems are a frequent source of mental health disorders & emotional health. Other common causes include the loss or serious illness of a family member or friend, or quite simply the receipt of upsetting news. I recently heard of a relative who was suffering from severe pain in one of his legs. His family were advised to consult a specialist who said the leg would have to be amputated without delay. This was done, but the old man was not told In advance what to expect and when he came round after the operation to find a leg missing he suffered an immediate heart attack and was dead within minutes.
Ayurveda has always recognized that whereas physical imbalances can lead to mental illness, the reverse is also true. A specific organ or system is frequently involved, depending on the type of stress. For example, a relationship problem often leads to a stress in the reproductive system or in the kidneys. The death of a close relative might affect the heart. All people, however strong, are affected by emotions (depression and anxiety).
Ayurveda has some very powerful tools for restoring emotional balance. The breathing techniques of Pranayama are amongst the most effective, in particular Ujjayi Pranayama. The ancient yogis realized the intimate connection between the breathing and the mind – this exercise enables the release of tension anywhere in the body (see Yoga Books Yatan Yoga p.223). Yogic exercises such as the Indian Squat and Push-Ups help to prevent the impact of emotional stress on the organs ( Yoga Books Yatan Yoga pp.46-49). There are also some Ayurvedic medicine & herbal medicine, such as Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Jatamansi, which are all helpful for balancing the emotional health.
Many of us are conditioned to consider emotional issues (good mental health) as secondary to physical, and in doing so we often fail to achieve total health, which is strongly dependent on a feeling of wellbeing and inner peace.
For further information on Good Mental Health or Emotional Health please call the YATAN Holistic Centre on 1300 552 260 or BOOK ONLINE.

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