The Future Of Health – A Case For Ayurveda
There can be no doubt that technological progress brings with it some great benefits, but we need to seriously consider the ways in which it is creating changes in the human body.
Many factors are responsible for changes in body chemistry which may ultimately prove to be irreversible. The long list includes atmospheric pollution, processing of foods, pesticides, childhood vaccinations and drugs that affect the development of the unborn child.
We are already witnessing a dramatic loss of efficiency in the immune system. New diseases are constantly emerging and sicknesses which used to be considered as trivial and a normal part of growing up can now be seen as dangerous, even life-threatening. We are seeing a situation develop in which the parameters for the diagnosis of disease will need to change; the illnesses of the future will have a whole new set of symptoms.
Dietary changes have caused dramatic changes to the acid-alkaline balance of the human body which have made it susceptible to invasion by a new set of pathogens. As the internal conditions change there is an alteration in gut flora. Obesity – an ever increasing problem – plays a part in this process, though it is not yet known whether the changes in metabolism create obesity or vice versa. A new field of medical research, infectobesity, is setting out to investigate the relationship between pathogens and weight gain. Unfortunately, whatever is ultimately discovered the likelihood is that the emphasis will be on killing the pathogens rather than changing the situation which led to the problem in the first place. Ayurveda has always focused on the underlying causes rather than the symptoms of an illness.
To add to the problem, any change in our body chemistry will also have an effect upon our mental functions. These are already compromised by the increasing use of technology and we seem to be in danger of sleepwalking towards a future in which the distinction between humans and machines becomes blurred. To complete the picture all that is required is a daily cocktail of drugs to control our mood and performance.
It is all too easy to place the blame on genetics for virtually any disease and in fact a large number of scientists are spending their time exploring exactly this avenue. However, although our genes may create a predisposition to one or other illness it is our choices in life that determine how our genes are expressed. If we fail to take responsibility for our own health we have only ourselves to blame. Ayurveda can show us the way.
While we must continue to enjoy technical progress we must as a race start to think now, before it is too late, about the changes we are creating in our body chemistry. If we fail to do this the human body will change beyond repair and a whole new generation of illnesses will develop.
For 5000 years Ayurveda has been providing all the tools that anyone would ever need to ensure a long and healthy life – its teachings have never been more relevant than they are today.
Next Time:- Ayurvedic Treatment For The Distressed Child

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