Why Self-Treatments Are Dangerous?
Nowadays we are inundated with health information. Popular magazines and newspapers are packed with articles, often written by people with no real expertise and the internet is awash with advertisements for ‘miracle’ cures. Have you also noticed how all your friends suddenly become medical experts when you develop an ailment?
Much of this is no doubt well-intentioned and in most cases probably no harm will be done by following any of the advice, as the human body has an amazing capacity for healing itself, even against all the odds. It is however important to be aware of the dangers of self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
There is an ever-increasing desire amongst the general public to think ‘natural’. This is obviously a good thing but what is not always appreciated is the full meaning of ‘holistic’. It is the job of a good practitioner to see the whole person, not just the most obvious symptoms which may be indicative of a more serious underlying problem. Any failure to see the bigger picture can result in unnecessary delay, which can make future treatment much more difficult.
To complicate matters even further, taking a remedy to fix one problem can create another problem elsewhere. This can happen in both mainstream and alternative medicine and practitioners may not be aware of the complications that might arise when they focus only on one issue.
Herein lies the uniqueness of Ayurvedic medicines. On the basis of a comprehensive assessment an experienced practitioner is able to tailor a remedy to individual requirement, and all Ayurvedic medicines have the property of being able to treat multiple problems simultaneously.
The message here is to seek qualified help when treating all but the simplest health problems. The body is a highly tuned, holistic piece of machinery and it is as deserving of qualified care when it develops a fault as is your car, which you would probably never dream of trying to repair by yourself.
If you feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or depression, Talk to Our Practitioner first. They will help you find ways to cope with these feelings without resorting to self-medication.

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*