
Wellness Insights

By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published June 30, 2012 in

Taming the Superbugs


stop bacteria and superbugs holistically
There is no doubt that mainstream medicine has got itself into a bit of a mess with its overzealous prescription of antibiotics. The new generation superbugs have found ways to defy even the strongest drugs and seem to be winning the battle.  Apart from the increasing inability of antibiotics to eliminate pathogenic bacteria, they create further problems by indiscriminately killing off the good bacteria which are an essential part of our immune system.

Ayurveda has long recognised that bacterial imbalances are not the primary cause of disease. It sees the underlying imbalance which is the root cause of everyday infections to be in the distribution of the body’s three main ‘doshas’ – Pitta, Vata and Kapha. When there is an excess of Kapha the digestion becomes slow and congestion results. This is expressed in many different ways, as incomplete digestion leads to an accumulation of waste, ama, which clogs many systems, including our nose, lungs, ears, throat and joints. This waste forms a breeding ground for the pathogenic bacteria, and disease follows.

The Ayurvedic approach to strengthening the immune system is primarily directed at improving gut health, as the greater part of the body’s immune system resides in the digestive tract. In addition to appropriate advice in relation to diet and lifestyle a number of herbal medicines are used to reduce the excess Kapha and to act as enzymes which will optimise the process of breakdown. Specific herbs are given to increase the body temperature and to alkalise the system. Asafoetida is one example of an excellent alkaliser. As the metabolic functions are optimised the mitochondrial function is thereby stimulated, which results in an overall improvement in energy levels.  This in turn leads to a stronger immune system, safe against superbugs.

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