
women’s health Heal and Bloom

Vaginal (Yellowish / Smelly / Watery White Discharge) : Candida Symptoms Yeast Infection Treatment
Vaginal discharge is a very common problem in women, not to be confused with the mucosal secretion which is normal and acts as a lubricant and disinfectant, and often increases...
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) | Bladder & Urine Infection: Symptoms (Causes) & Treatment
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) & Bladder Infection: Urinary tract infection (UTIs) are most commonly experienced in the lower parts of the urino-genital system – the bladder and urethra – and...
The Designer Menopause – Is Extending Fertility a Good Idea?
I have just read in the Sydney Morning Herald that a new technique is available for putting the menopause ‘on ice’ – literally! A small sample of ovarian tissue is...
Breast Pain Causes | Breast Soreness | Breast Tenderness Before Period
Breast tenderness or Breast soreness ? Most women experience breast tenderness or breast soreness at some times in their lives. If it is breast tenderness before period rather than a...
Low Testosterone Symptoms (Low libido in women) Treatment
Not Now Honey – I Have A Headache For a woman who has once had a healthy sex drive, few things can be as frustrating and disappointing as a lack...
Signs of Menopause | Early Menopause Symptoms | Menopause Treatment
Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster? Menopause symptoms, as well as early menopause symptoms, can create a roller coaster ride for many women. Amongst the many signs of menopause are the...
Getting Pregnant – Female Infertility Causes & Treatment
Making a Baby  – Getting Pregnant the Ayurvedic Way Infertility and especially female infertility is becoming a massive problem worldwide. There can be little doubt that a large part of...
Signs of Menopause (Menopausal) Symptoms | Menopause Treatment | Menopause Weight Gain
The Battle for Hormone Balance – HRT vs A Graceful Change with Ayurveda Menopause is usually experienced in the late 40s or early 50s, though it can be much earlier...
Who Are You? And Where Did I Leave My Keys!?  Menopause, Memory, and Headaches…
As discussed in my previous blog, falling oestrogen levels due to menopause can have many negative effects and bring about various menopausal symptoms, two examples of which are headaches, and...
Still Awake? : Try This Yoga For a Better Nights Sleep
Menopause affects on Sleep Menopause can see women’s bodily functions go haywire because of rapidly falling hormone levels and one of the most common menopausal symptoms is sleep disturbance, which...