Dry eyes or Dry eye syndrome is an extremely common and frequently debilitating condition. It can affect any age group but is particularly common amongst older people and post-menopausal women....
A painful or stiff neck is a very common problem which is not usually indicative of an underlying condition. People who work with their head and neck at a constant...
Mainstream medicine tends to view anxiety and depression as quite separate medical disorders, even though it is recognised that depressed people often suffer from anxiety. There are therefore different anxiety...
The back is a highly complex structure consisting of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. Its very complexity makes it susceptible to a great variety of aches and pains, which may...
Treatment For Anxiety in Children Anxiety in children is a very common sight, whether it be the baby crying uncontrollably with fists clenched or the obstinate toddler throwing a tantrum....
Stress used to be a term used mainly by physiologists, who would measure its effects in laboratories. Nowadays most of us in the western world seem to be always working...
Tinnitus is the medical name for hearing an often high pitched noise or ringing in either one ear both ears or the head. The noise comes from within the head or...
Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster? Menopause symptoms, as well as early menopause symptoms, can create a roller coaster ride for many women. Amongst the many signs of menopause are the...
Where are my adrenals, and why do I need them? The adrenals are two small glands, one sitting on the top of each kidney. They have a number of important...