Yatan Menopause Treatment Program – Restoration and Rejuvenation
By many the menopause is simply thought of as a time when a woman ceases to menstruate and starts to suffer from hot flushes. In fact, the list of possible...
Hot Flushes Causes during Menopause – Treatment with Ayurvedic Approach
What are hot flushes ? During menopause hot flushes are such a common phenomenon that a vast percentage of women have come to regard them as an inevitable cross to...
Ayurvedic Treatment For Poor Memory
As we become older it is quite normal for our memory to become less efficient, as the production of brain hormones declines. The neuron cells tend to dry out and...
Burning in Feet | Burning Feet Syndrome | Burning Hands and Feet Treatment
Signs of a Pitta imbalance In cases of constant burning hands and feet or burning feet syndrome this is explained by Ayurveda as being due to a Pitta imbalance. Burning...
Menopausal Symptoms – The Consequences Of Delaying Treatment
Many people believe that the menopause is mainly about hot flushes, and that when these have subsided all will be well again. In fact, the list of possible symptoms is...
Yoga In Ayurvedic Treatment
For thousands of years Ayurvedic scholars have accepted the importance of yoga. They have realised that medicine is not all that is required for good health. On delving into their...
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms & Treatment – During Menopause
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms During Menopause: Menopause is a time when the production of hormones declines, and when this happens all the organs start to dry out. This is...
Menopause Hot Flushes Weight Gain Treatment Diet Plan
Women are generally very sensitive to changes taking place in their own bodies, and when menopause starts to arrive they are often aware that something is not quite right, without...
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Emotional Stress During Menopause
Most women experience some menopause symptoms during menopause, and for the great majority this means a lot more than hot flushes. Due to hormonal fluctuations, in particular the decline in...