
Wellness Insights

By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published September 29, 2014 in

Staphylococcus MRSA Skin Staph Infection Symptoms Treatment


A so-called staph infection is a group of infections caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus. The most common of these staph infections affect the skin and soft tissue. The staph bacteria are commonly found in the skin or in the nose and generally do not cause any problem unless they are able to find their way into a cut or a break in the skin, where they may cause staph infection symptoms such as boils or abscesses, which can be filled with pus and cause considerable pain. I have noted an increase in the number of elderly patients suffering from this problem; MRSA infection is becoming increasingly common these days. Antibiotics are usually the only staph infection treatment offered and these are becoming increasingly ineffectual, as many as 63% of pathogenic bacteria now being estimated to be resistant to these drugs.

One elderly lady came to see me with a long-standing leg infection, in the form of an ulcer which was not responding to treatment with antibiotics. My reaction was to try out a course of treatment with internal medicines and she responded so well to this approach that I have followed a similar course with all subsequent patients who have presented with similar symptoms of skin infections.

The Ayurvedic approach to all infections goes much further than simply purifying the blood. Close attention must be given to the immune system and to the digestion, the latter to include a correction to the acid-alkali balance of the body and to the balance of the gut bacteria. This is also imperative in MRSA treatment. If the skin is dry it is much more likely to crack and break, allowing the germs to invade the tissues and create skin infections, in which case medicines are given to hydrate the skin. Low brain hormones may also be a factor and this is treated through medicines and diet. Dietary advice would include avoidance of citrus foods and encourage the consumption of brain-enhancing foods such as asparagus, artichoke, Choko, and green salads.

This type of approach yields many additional benefits beyond merely helping the infection to clear. The patient soon begins to feel better in every way and the digestion is seen to improve greatly.

For help with staph infection please call us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260 for a free consultation in Australia Sydney.

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