Signs of Menopause | Early Menopause Symptoms | Menopause Treatment
Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster?
Menopause symptoms, as well as early menopause symptoms, can create a roller coaster ride for many women. Amongst the many signs of menopause are the emotional ups and downs generally referred to as mood swings, which often put a strain not only on the sufferer, but also on the other family members and work colleagues and employers. It is important for everybody affected to be aware of what is going on.
Mood swings are rapid changes in emotions. Often the woman does not even realise this is happening, or if she does feel her mood change she might think she is in control of her feelings. Menopause is a time of hormonal change, and in particular of declining oestrogen levels. Oestrogen plays a major part in the functioning of neurotransmitters – the chemicals that affect the operation of the brain and nervous system. A great variety of emotional and behavioural imbalances can result, including anger, anxiety, agitation, impatience, insecurity, restlessness, confusion, indecisiveness, and depression. With the emotions out of control the adrenals, lacking any form of sense organ, believe that there is an emergency and start to work overtime.
Ayurveda here recognises a need for balancing Vata. When Vata is in balance the emotions are clear, energetic and enthusiastic. When it is out of balance there is a tendency towards anxiety, tension, fear and emotional insecurity.
While menopause treatment in Ayurveda always involves a careful assessment of the individual’s imbalances, certain factors always need to be addressed. When symptoms are so extreme there will generally be a build up of toxins in the system that has been accumulating over a long period. These need to be eliminated and the pathways through which this is effected often require cleansing. The digestive function has to be optimized, so that the metabolism in general can be made more efficient. The nervous system has to be strengthened and stress removed where possible. Finally, good routines of eating, sleeping and exercise are needed to restore the natural biological rhythms.
An Ayurvedic consultation will enable you to understand which foods are the best and the worst for your constitutional type. Foods that clog are to be avoided and those that are easily digested will be recommended. Proteins that help to promote oestrogen production may be suggested, such as lentils, meats, eggs, chickpeas, pistachio and almonds. Advice will include ways to relax – Ayurveda has many tools for this, including gentle yoga exercises, stretching, breathing practices such as Kumbhak Pranayama, and meditation. Energy to the brain can be increased by practices such as Uttan Padasana and Savangasana. Instructions for these exercises are to be found in the book, ‘Yatan Yoga – A Natural Guide to Health and Harmony’. Self-administered warm oil massages are also very beneficial in helping the body to unwind.
There is no need to stay on the roller coaster. Restoring balance through attention to diet and changes to lifestyle can enable you to age gracefully.

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