Sexually Transmitted Diseases | Symptoms of STDs Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea Treatment
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are so-called because they are generally transmitted from one person to another during sex. Examples of common STDs are; herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. However, this is not always the case, for example bacteria can be transmitted orally, or by poor hygiene. Furthermore it is perfectly possible, though not the rule, for a healthy person to be unaffected, even after having sex with an infected partner. Disease is much more likely to take a hold in a body that is over acidic; the body’s own toxins are the driving force.
Ayurveda sees the problem as being due to an accumulation of waste (Ama) in the reproductive area. It is strongly recommended, to reduce the chances of infection, that the bladder be emptied before sex, and that the genitals be thoroughly cleaned before and after. It is also recommended to flush the system by drinking plenty of water afterwards.
Ayurvedic treatment for sexually transmitted diseases utilises some very effective medicines which are not merely diuretic but are also anti-bacterial and have the ability to alkalise the system, enhance potassium levels and increase testosterone. Certain foods are strongly recommended: choko, watermelon, cooked asparagus, carrots, beetroot, celery and green apple juice all help to lessen the chances of infection. The bitter gourd is also useful. Some of the medicines used in Ayurvedic treatment are the same as those which increase virility. The possibility of infection is also reduced by alkalising the system, and the importance of drinking plenty of water is strongly emphasised. Further steps for prevention include the use of Ayurvedic oils and creams. Yoga practice is not recommended while an infection is present as it could cause an aggravation in the symptoms of STDs.
Suspected STDs should be investigated through laboratory testing, but Ayurvedic treatment sets out to provide long-term relief from the problem, and this can only be achieved through restoration of the body’s correct acid-alkali balance.
If this is an issue that affects you the Yatan Holistic Health Care Healing Ayurvedic Centre is here to help. Book an individual free consultation without delay on 1300 552 260 in Australia Sydney.
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