
Ayurvedic Diet Heal and Bloom

In this workshop you will learn that through following an Ayurvedic diet you can balance your doshas (constitution), and how different foods affect the doshas. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets will be addressed with advice on how to apply Ayurvedic principles to your cooking to harmonize your dosha.

The seasons effect and can create imbalance in our body also, so by eating seasonal foods we can help to stabilize our system. Ayurveda has diet guidelines for each season enabling us to pass through these transitional times smoothly.

Goals of the seminar

  • To show how following an Ayurvedic diet can balance your dosha (constitution)
  • To show how to apply Ayurvedic principles to cooking (vegetarian and non-vegetarian)
  • To show how to eat according to the season

What will I learn?

  • Food combining- how to combine different foods according to your constitutional type
  • Diet according to profession and daily activity
  • Balancing the mineral levels in the body
  • Foods which will encourage deep, quality sleep
  • Foods which promote the healing process  e.g. after a bone injury, IBS, diverticulitis, constipation, diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, jaundice, food allergies, food poisoning etc.
  • The importance of organic foods and fresh fruit and vegetables – how pesticides affect our system
  • Food with aphrodisiac qualities

What are the benefits?

Understanding which foods are appropriate for your body type, which foods are good to eat at which times of the year, and the effect of certain combinations can all have a powerful harmonising effect on the body’s systems as well as having strong healing properties.