
Ayurveda and Women’s Health Heal and Bloom

Many health problems are unique to women.

Women therefore have specific healthcare needs throughout their life cycle. Unfortunately, there exists a wide range of female health issues that are all too commonly regarded as an inevitable fact of life, and many women either suffer unnecessarily or resort to invasive procedures or prescription drugs to relieve their symptoms.

From adolescence to retirement, Ayurveda is well equipped to address these issues in a truly holistic fashion, recognising that most are a result of an unsuitable diet or of unhealthy lifestyle factors. When balance is restored to the system the body is able to effect its own cure.

Goals of the seminar

  • To outline the health patterns of the different constitutional types
  • To show how your constitution can be balanced through appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes
  • To focus on a range of health problems experienced by women and to show how Ayurvedic remedies can be effective in addressing these issues​

What will I learn?

  • Ayurvedic concept of women’s health
  • Constitution or Prakruti of women
  • Constitutional effects on women’s health
  • How to balance your constitution
  • Dietary and lifestyle advice for individual constitutions
  • Constitutional sicknesses and their remedies
  • Ayurvedic tips for balance of emotional stress.
  • Menstrual disorders, management of the menstrual cycle, suitable diet for menstrual balance
  • PMS, Osteoporosis
  • Preparing for pregnancy
  • Better childbirth and selecting the optimum date
  • Post childbirth, uterine detoxification

What are the benefits?

This seminar will provide the tools for coping with a wide range of the most common health issues uniquely experienced by women.