
Seminars Heal and Bloom


Our seminar program has become increasingly popular and has already been extended to other areas of the country. Interest in finding alternative, more natural routes to good health is booming and we are doing our best to educate people in the causes and consequences of the most common health issues. Together with a better understanding of the Ayurvedic perspective on western lifestyle and illnesses you will learn many effective practical tips which you can incorporate into your busy daily life, and which will enable you to keep these health issues at bay.

Beat Menopause!

Are you a woman over 40 and concerned about your menopause symptoms?

Then come to the Beat Menopause Seminar, led by Raman Das Mahatyagi a leading health practitioner in his field.

Goals of the seminar

  • To enable women to understand why menopause can create such a variety of symptoms.
  • To learn techniques for rapid relief of symptoms as well as learning effective practical ways to prevent their recurrence

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Stress – The Silent Killer of Your Health

An Ayurvedic And Yogic Perspective

Stress affects every one of us throughout life, in the home and at work. In this seminar Raman Das Mahatyagi, one of  Australia’s most experienced Ayurvedic practitioners, aims to give people of all ages the tools to recognise the symptoms and to break the vicious stress response cycle, thereby preventing the onset of debilitating, even deadly disease.

Goals of the seminar

  • To promote awareness of the factors that create stress and its many different effects on the body
  • To enable you to be aware of your own stress points and employ techniques to neutralise stress and shield yourself from it

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Heal Yourself!

Goals of the seminar

  • To outline the Ayurvedic concept of sicknesses as being due to imbalances in the three doshas
  • To teach how to interpret the body’s signals of  imminent  sicknesses
  • To show how foods can be used as medicines
  • To give examples of simple, effective home remedies for common ailments
  • To instruct in the practice of daily lifestyle routines for prevention
  • To present a program of daily yogic exercise and meditation practices

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Management of Digestive Disorders through Ayurveda

Various types of digestive problems arise due to inappropriate food and lifestyle.  The different constitutional types (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) also experience different types of digestive disorders.

Ayurveda has many recommendations on how you can manage digestive problems through balancing the doshas with the help of food and lifestyle choices.

So if you have digestive problems or wish to avoid them in the future, this workshop is for you!

Goals of the seminar

  • To show how inappropriate diet and lifestyle can affect different constitutional types
  • To promote awareness of how digestive problems can be managed by appropriate food and lifestyle choices
  • To provide a comprehensive set of tools for the avoidance and management of digestive problems

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Management of Arthritis through Ayurveda

Generally arthritis is a disease of old age, however it is also occurs at an early age in some individuals.

Goals of the seminar

  • To present the Ayurvedic view on Arthritis
  • To show how Arthritis can be managed according to constitutional type

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Management of Asthma through Ayurveda

Many people in Australia, and globally are affected by Asthma and numbers appear to be increasing.   There are various types of Asthma, and every patient may have some similar symptoms but also some different ones.

Ayurveda has a very broad idea about the different stages of asthma, and indicate 5 types of Asthma in the classical texts.

This workshop will give you an understanding from an Ayurvedic perspective how to manage Asthma with diet, fluid intake, lifestyle and herbs.

Goals of the seminar

  • To give an understanding from an Ayurvedic perspective about the different types of asthma and their causes
  • To provide practical advice on prevention and management of symptoms of asthma with diet, fluid intake, lifestyle and herbs

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Ayurvedic Palm Reading and Face Diagnosis

The systems of Ayurvedic Palmistry and Face Diagnosis have been utilized by Ayurvedic practitioners for many generations to assist in assessment and determination of karmic/planetary sicknesses and their intensity.

Raman Das has been practicing palmistry for 30 years and face reading for over 20 years. During this one day workshop you will learn the basics of palm and face reading with Raman Das in an informative and practical way.

Goals of the seminar

  • To present the basic concepts and principles of palmistry and face diagnosis
  • To show ways that this understanding can be utilised to understand the constitution of an individual, hence the possibility of problems and their solution​

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Methods of Ayurvedic Rejuvenation

As we become older our endocrine system begins to slow down, which in turn affects our whole cellular structure which starts to deplete. The aim of this workshop is to provide information about Ayurvedic rejuvenation methods which will delay the onset of the aging process and help the transitions of life to be smooth.

Goals of the seminar

  • To provide a set of techniques that can be effectively used to reduce the physical and emotional effects of the aging process
  • To provide information about Ayurvedic methods which can enable a smoother transition through life’s stages

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Panchakarma – Ayurvedic and Yogic Method of Detoxification

Panchakarma is unique to Ayurveda and is a program of deep cleansing, detoxification and rejuvenation treatments. It offers purification at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

Goals of the seminar

  • To show how ama (waste) toxicity disrupts our physical, mental and spiritual systems at a cellular level
  • To show how ama can be removed through the deep cleansing system of Panchakarma
  • To show how a Panchakarma diet can be tailored to meet individual needs

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