
Wellness Insights

By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published October 3, 2013 in

Sensitive Teeth (Tooth Sensitivity) Remedy & Treatment


Sensitive teeth can cause pain when eating or drinking cold or hot things or eating sweet foods also. It happens occasionally to most of us but if it is a common occurrence it is important to treat the problem promptly to avoid the risk of receding gums.

What causes sensitive teeth?

As the protective enamel coating on the teeth weakens or as the gums recede exposing the root of the tooth sensitivity in the teeth will result. An acidic environment in the mouth can cause the enamel to erode and also simply over brushing with a tooth brush can create receded gums.

Sensitive teeth treatment

Ayurveda has some very effective sensitive teeth remedies, including gum massage oil, and medicines such as Ashwagandha, Arjuna, Bhringraj and Guggulu. There are also a number of beneficial yogic practices, such as Indian Push-ups and the breathing exercises Kumbhaka Pranayama and Agnisar Kriya that can all aid in helping to reduce tooth sensitivity.

To find out more on sensitive teeth call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre 0n 1300 552 260

Click Image to Buy Our Featured Products ( Tooth Powder $29.95 / Gum Massage Oil $21.95)

Ayurvedic Tooth Powder

                            Gum Massage Oil

Click Image to Buy  Tooth Powder at $29.95                        Click Image to Buy Gum Massage Oil at $21.95


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