Scleroderma Symptoms and Treatment
What is Scleroderma?
Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune condition, resulting in skin hardening, tightening, and thickening. This can cause thick patches to appear anywhere on the body and occasionally internal organs can be affected.
Scleroderma Symptoms:
Scleroderma more commonly creates localized areas of hardened skin and this can cause the capillaries to block and the skin may become blue, itchy, or even painful. In the rarer, most severe form of scleroderma – systemic sclerosis – the heart, lungs, or kidneys can be affected, or it can lead to blockages in the throat or gut, but most commonly it causes joint pain and stiffness and general lack of flexibility.
Cause of Scleroderma:
While modern science has no explanation for scleroderma my own belief is that it is caused by low immunity. I have also noted that there is always an existing acid-alkali imbalance, and this is certain to cause changes, for example, in the bacterial and fungal population.
Scleroderma Treatment:
In Ayurveda, it is said that an aggravation of Vata is responsible for the development of scleroderma. The Ayurvedic term denoting excess air in the blood is Vata Rakta. My own scleroderma treatment, therefore, sets out to calm Vata through diet and Pranayama breathing exercises.
It is also essential to rectify the acid-alkali balance and to assess the function of the liver, the adrenals, and the immune system. Ayurvedic herbs are used to treat the bone marrow which in turn boosts the immune system.
Yogic exercises and addressing any hormone imbalance with the use of herbs can also be very beneficial as a part of the scleroderma treatment in restoring flexibility.
What should I do next?
Scleroderma treatment can be quite a lengthy matter but positive results are generally achieved within a few months, provided that it is still in its primary stages.
For further information on Scleroderma treatment please call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260

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