Warning Signs in Women That You Need a Rejuvenation
After a certain age, women begin to notice physical, mental and emotional changes. For some it begins around the age of 40, for others later, and for a rare few even sooner. Often these changes are ignored, seen as symptoms of ageing and thus left unattended to, not diagnosed and untreated. But what if promptly tackling these symptoms – minor as they may seem at first – is the key to optimal health in old age?
Some women will say “I have a few wrinkles but, other than that, I feel fine!” But how do you know you actually are fine? As they say, it’s all downhill after 40, so things are bound to get worse eventually, especially if left unaddressed. Furthermore, why wait until you’re in your 70s or 80s and well worn down before you actually start paying attention to the warning signs your body was striving to tell you 30 years ago?
Age-related symptoms may also be signalling more than just that, or even pointing to an underlying condition (ie hormonal dysfunction, kidney problems, etc), which is why it is wrong to dismiss every symptom as simply a sign of ageing.
Thankfully, holistic medicine such as Ayurveda can greatly help alleviate age and disease-related symptoms, rejuvenate your organs, give your hormones and overall system a boost, and literally make you glow inside-out, even in your senior years. A holistic rejuvenation program in particular can catch many lifestyle related disease or dysfunction early and effectively treat it, to ensure you age gracefully and as healthily as possible.
But why is rejuvenation so important? And why is it a necessity for all women according to Ayurveda?
Why Rejuvenation?
Rejuvenation is the process of making someone look and feel better, younger, more vital and energised. Rejuvenation produces feelings of vitality, livelihood, and overall well being inside-out. It is a necessary step to achieving wellness and optimal health with age, particularly if you are already suffering from a chronic condition that requires attention.
At YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre, we have recently developed a customised, all-natural and drug-free rejuvenation program known as the YATAN Rejuvenation Program, targeted predominantly towards individuals over the age of 40. Women in particular who wish to reclaim their youth and vitality, can expect a rewarding, refreshing and energy-boosting experience with results to last them for years to come.
Imagine this – friends, family members and even complete strangers remarking on how you glow, how much you’ve changed, and how good you look. Now, wouldn’t you want such compliments on a frequent basis? Thanks to this new innovative program, compliments like these become a daily occurrence. And it’s not just your skin and appearance that rejuvenates, but your internal organs and functions, too. You glow on the outside simply because you are glowing on the inside!
To achieve that perfect glow, however, you will have to first be honest about any troubling symptoms you have noticed within your body, as these may be warning signs of a greater problem.
Warning Signs that You NEED a Rejuvenation Experience
Ageing may be to blame for the body and its functions slowing down, but the symptoms that go with it may be signals for your attention. If you are a woman and have a number of the following symptoms, regardless of your age, you would definitely benefit from a rejuvenation experience:
Feeling sluggish, fatigued and/or lethargic, even if you have just woken up
Physical exhaustion from performing the slightest task or chore
Lack of motivation, feeling sad and avoiding social interaction
Menstrual irregularities (either less or more flow than usual)
Addressing these symptoms in time holistically is the most effective way to reduce the likelihood of disease and live a happy and healthy life as you age, without having to resort to chronic medication use or end up in a nursing home when it’s all too late.
If you are over 40, you are at an age where every function in your body is progressively slowing down. This is the cause of the majority of the aforementioned symptoms but there is no reason to allow them to develop into a full-blown disease or chronic condition. You have the power to make the wisest health decision now and move forward into the future in full bloom and without any regrets!
Why Choose YATAN Rejuvenation?
The YATAN Rejuvenation Program will not let age and disease get the best of you. This 1-year program includes more than just Ayurveda, and uses processes that do not require Panchakarma, making this program easier to fit into a modern, busy lifestyle.
Based on Ayurvedic principles, our program:
Balances the body’s natural rhythms
Detoxifies and revitalising the tissues of the body
This impacts the process of ageing at a cellular level,
Women exhibit a host of warning signs during and after the age of 40, all of which are indicators of your body’s gradually declining health. A rejuvenation experience is highly beneficial and even necessary for women with such symptoms because it targets the problematic areas as well as the overall system. It will not only heal you inside-out, but will make you feel happier, more energetic, motivated and positive. You will literally feel amazing within the first few sessions!
All information and resources referenced in this article, including medicinal preparations, exercise and dietary recommendations, are based on the opinion of the author. All content is intended to inform and encourage the reader to seek professional advice if the aforementioned conditions and symptoms are present. No information in this article should be considered a diagnosis or prescription.
*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*
*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*