
Tongue Scraper | Stainless Steel


What is Tongue Scraper?

The tongue scraper (also called Tongue Cleaner or Tongue Brush) is a device designed to remove the build-up of bacteria, food waste, fungi and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. The toxins released by bacteria and fungi are responsible for many health problems, and decaying bacteria produce sulphurous gases which account for most cases of halitosis.

Tongue Scraper (Its benefits to you):

In addition to its long-term benefits in terms of protection against health problems created by overgrowth of bacteria or fungi, as well as tooth and gum disease, the more immediate benefits include a better sense of taste and enjoyment of food, and a clean fresh feeling in the mouth with freedom from bad breath.


Do you know reasons for bad breath? Do you wake up with a coating on your tongue?…and a bad taste in your mouth?

These are all tell tale signs that indicate you need to scrape your tongue!

How to treat bad breath? For the sake of an extra 30 seconds in your morning routine you can:

  • reduce or eliminate your bad breath
  • reduce your chance of teeth and gum disease
  • increase your enjoyment of food
  • have a mouth that feels totally clean and refreshed!

Why we recommend the Yatan Tongue Scraper:

Our range of tongue scrapers took over a year to develop. They are of the correct shape and size to cover the maximum possible area of the tongue surface. They are also made in materials which will not rust.

The basic model is made of high grade stainless steel. The superior models, available in a plain or a fancy finish, are made to our specification in sterling silver. It is now well proven that the silver ion is effective against a broad range of bacteria and many studies have shown it to be beneficial to the immune system. It would appear that contact with the saliva causes minute particles of silver to be released.

The Tongue Scraper (Tongue Cleaner or Tongue Brush)

  • Made to our specifications in high quality, easy to clean, 18/8 stainless steel.
  • Handles have an attractive decorative twist.
  • A practical and efficient way of removing any coating and toxins from your tongue each morning before breakfast.

Consider tongue scraping an essential part of your morning routine!

Follow the links to learn more Ayurvedic insights about the tongue and Tongue Scraper Benefits , and also a step by step guide to using and maintaining your tongue scraper.

Additional information

Weight59 g
Dimensions22.0 × 16.0 × 7.7 cm

2 Responses so far.

  1. Lindy Green says:
    excellent item, good quality and improves oral hygiene.

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