Preventing Cell Damage by Panchakarma Body Detox Programs
Preventing Cell Damage From Electromagnetic Fields
Panchakarma Body (Detox Programs):
I was recently responsible for supervising a patient’s 8-day Panchakarma, body detox program. The lady was an office worker. On checking her pulse at the commencement of the program I found it to be weak and cold – characteristic of low Pitta. I monitored her progress daily and happened to notice that on the fourth day I experienced a tingling sensation through my fingers. I assumed this was coming from my own body but when on the fifth day the sensation increased, reaching up to my shoulder, I realised that it was emanating from the patient’s pulse. I removed my fingers and returned them several times, each time with the same result. At this point I realised that the Panchakarma treatments and appropriate Ayurvedic medicine had reached a stage of removing toxic substances from the neuron cells, releasing the clogging within those cells. The tingling sensation thereafter began to decline and by the seventh day it had disappeared completely.
The human body is capable of producing electricity, and in fact our continued existence depends upon the constant transmission of billions of electrical signals between the cells. As a natural outcome of our life processes the body builds up a positive charge (EMF), which if allowed to accumulate creates inflammation in the body, leading to a whole spectrum of chronic diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome. Unfortunately, modern life with all its advantages and luxuries places an infinitely greater strain on our systems through daily exposure to toxic load, much of this coming from the electromagnetic emissions from such items as mobile phones, computers, televisions and microwaves. Accumulation of positive ions has a crippling effect on the conductivity of the neuron cells, as well as causing damage through a process comparable to rusting which can affect any of the body’s systems. This is the process commonly known as free radical activity.
There is a clear need to find a way of neutralising these destructive positive ions. In fact, nature has provided the ideal way to do this for as long as humans have walked the earth. It is the procedure known as ‘grounding’ or ‘earthing’. It is only in relatively recent time that we have lost contact with the earth by wearing clothes and shoes which insulate us from the ground and by walking largely on artificial surfaces which do not conduct an electric charge. Many people report near miraculous improvements to their health as a result of practising grounding on a daily basis. The ideal way to do this is to walk barefoot on the grass, preferably before sunrise when there is still dew on the ground. Even 10 minutes should be enough to save the body from electrical malfunctions.
There have been a large number of quality studies in recent years to investigate the many benefits of grounding. These have confirmed a reduction in inflammation, improvements in blood viscosity and heart rate, stress reduction, improved cortisol levels, better sleep and improved function of the autonomic nervous system.
Try it yourself and let us know your experiences. Call us on 1300 552 26 to book your free consultation.

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