Physical Or Mental – The Ayurvedic Concept Of Illness
Whether from the diagnostic or from the treatment standpoint, Western medicine tends to view physical and mental illnesses in isolation. Ayurveda, on the other hand, has always recognised that the two are inextricably interwoven.
An unresolved physical imbalance frequently creates anxiety which can lead to a wide variety of mental problems. Conversely, a continuing mental problem such as anxiety or depression commonly causes disruption to bodily functions. A vast percentage of our illnesses are caused in this way.
Let us look at a couple of examples. Somebody who has had negative childhood experiences which have remained unresolved, perhaps because they have lost contact with a parent, will be likely to hold on to their negative emotions strongly enough to toxify their mind. Even if they have been well cared for in the absence of the parent their disturbed mental state can easily later progress to a physical problem. Another person may have survived a serious illness such as cancer, only to suffer a relapse in later years. Worrying constantly about their condition is likely to lead their body to create new cancer cells.
The mind-body connection is fundamental to the Ayurvedic way of looking at a patient’s problems. It is essential for the practitioner to understand the root cause of a set of symptoms before attempting to formulate a regime for treatment.
According to Ayurvedic principles, all illness is indicative of an imbalance of the three doshas.
- Vata is the life energy which controls movement and the nervous system. When it is excessive this results in increased anxiety and restlessness; where an underlying mental problem needs to be resolved Vata is commonly found to be aggravated.
- Pitta regulates the metabolism and when it is too high irritability can result.
- Kapha, on the other hand, promotes stability but when it is in excess depression can follow.
Ayurveda has a very powerful tool for restoring mental and emotional balance in Tantra-Mantra Therapy. By calming the mind all of the body’s organs and systems are given an opportunity for self repair.

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