Panchakarma – Liver Body Detox Diet Plans Programs
Few health topics create so much confusion, and for that matter so much controversy, as the subject of detoxification. We are inundated with advertising, often sponsored by celebrities, for a huge variety of detox diet plan such as the 5-day detox or the 7-day detox, or by more specialised detox programs such as the liver detox, the kidney flush, colonic irrigation or heavy metal detox. Even detox foot patches appear on the menu. But is there any scientific backing behind any of this; in short, why detox programs at all?
Detox programs have in fact existed for as long as there have been humans on the earth. The human body is certainly very efficient in finding ways of clearing the system of waste, but with trillions of chemical processes taking place at any given moment – what we refer to as our ‘metabolism’ – the volume of waste generated is huge. One scientist estimated that to set up a factory able to accommodate all of these mechanisms would require a site of around 64,000 acres. When we add to this the fact that modern civilisation has created an environmental toxic load which is often greater our bodies can manage effectively – the overwhelming increase in chronic disease bears witness to this – It would seem sensible to find effective ways to ease the burden on our bodies. After all, we think it perfectly logical to spring clean our homes and service our cars once or twice a year.
In reality, we only fully understand a small percentage of the detoxification processes in which the body is continuously engaged. Elimination through the normal channels of the urine and faeces is only a small part of the story. A wide variety of factors, Including diet, lifestyle and seasonal variations can lead to build-up of toxic waste which can clog any organ or system in the body. This can create many chronic illnesses so the problem arises as to how this waste can be removed effectively without causing any disturbance to any body system.
Herein lies the beauty of Panchakarma – the traditional Ayurvedic System of cleansing, purification and rejuvenation. No other detoxification program comes close in dealing so comprehensively with every body system, for example not only the digestive system but the liver, the kidneys, the eyes, ears and the nose all receive attention, and the medicines used are all selected according to individual requirement – for example there are more than 150 herbs available for use in enema treatment. Panchakarma is so named because it is a five-part treatment, but it is also fully customisable to cater for individual needs. You can read about the Yatan Panchakarma detox programs nn some detail and view our five short videos by clicking the given link Panchakarma
If you then wish to experience the ultimate best detox programs or detox diet plan we look forward to hearing from you at the YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre. Please call us on 1300 552 260 for a free 10 minute consultation.

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