Natural Colon Cleanse (Cleansing) Diet | Colonic Irrigation (Hydrotherapy) | Bowel Cleanse
Colon Cleanse (Cleansing) – Is It Money Just Down The Drain?
A clean, strong and well-functioning colon is a pre-requisite for optimal health. This is why a colon cleanse or colonic irrigation (sometimes called colonic hydrotherapy) is highly beneficial in achieving sustained good health.
To understand why this is so, it is helpful to think of the colon as the waste management station of the body. All the body’s cells and tissues depend upon it to dispose of toxins which will otherwise accumulate and cause many illnesses, and the liver – our main organ of detoxification – cannot function properly if it is not kept in good working order. An equally important task that it has to perform is the re-absorption of left over nutrients, such as water and essential vitamins and minerals from digested foods, which it sends back to the body.
A malfunctioning colon is a common disorder, as we are constantly exposed to a great variety of toxins in our foods and from the environment. The accumulation of waste on the walls of the colon causes the villi – the finger-like projections that assist in waste removal – to become progressively less active, so that toxicity increases and the absorption of nutrients is greatly reduced. The effects are wide-ranging, from deficiency disorders to chronic illnesses. Just a few examples are bloating, constipation, IBS, celiac disease, headaches and skin complaints. Anaemia is a common disorder arising from iron deficiency. This is usually treated with iron supplements and when these cease to be sufficient iron injections are sometimes used, but the waste build-up continues so that even these ultimately fail to work.
Colonic irrigation and colonic hydrotherapy has become a popular way of addressing the way in which to perform a bowel cleanse, but while this can achieve a temporary clearance of waste much of the build-up remains as it has accumulated on the colon walls in layers, like an onion. The colon detox treatments have to be repeated frequently to be at all effective. In the case of Ayurvedic colonic irrigation/ hydrotherapy known as Basti (which is an intricate component of the Panchakarma program), results are expected to be more effective that Western colonic hydrotherapy, simply because Ayurvedic colonic treatments are customized to the individual and contain tailor-made herbal decoctions.
Western colonic irrigation contains only filtered water and does not customise the treatment. With the Ayurvedic method, enzymes and beneficial digestive fluid cannot be lost by getting washed away with the toxins. In Ayurvedic colonic hydrotherapy/irrigation, the herbal decoctions used do not flush away necessary enzymes and fluid and are chosen according to the patient’s specific conditions and needs. For example, if a person has hard stools, herbs that dissolve the stool are chosen. This decoction is warm when entering the system, where it is left for 20-30 minutes, allowing for maximum penetration into the pores of the gut lining without disturbing delicate gut bacteria or microbiome, as well as preserving the digestive biochemical substance.
When this procedure is complete, a further treatment of oleation, using herbal oils, is given to lubricate the lining of the colon. The treatment is generally repeated a few times over a period of weeks to provide the best detox (Detox Diet Plan) for the body. Advice is given on cleansing diet foods including ones that should be avoided, and which ones are helpful at this stage, as the system will be temporarily sensitised. Herbal medicines are also given to alkalise the system and restore the levels of good bacteria in the gut.
Ayurvedic colonic irrigation and colonic hydrotherapy benefits – People who have undergone this treatment have reported many benefits, including a reduction in fatigue, headaches and muscle or joint pain, clearer skin and eyes, improved energy levels, and promotion of healthy bowel movements. Digestive disturbances have ceased to be an issue.
Book online an Ayurvedic colonic irrigation (colonic hydrotherapy) colon cleanse treatment today by contacting us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre at 1300 552 260 for a free consultation in Australia Sydney.

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