Low Testosterone (Libido) in Women Symptoms (Causes) & Low Testosterone Treatment
Loss of libido or low libido is a common problem, even more so in women than in men, and it is often related to stress or to life-changing events such as pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. It is frequently a temporary situation, but when it persists over months or is recurrent it can indicate an underlying physical or emotional problem and can be damaging to a relationship.
A common cause for low libido in women or men is the use of medications, such as immune-suppressants, antidepressants, blood pressure drugs, and chemotherapy. Excessive use of alcohol can also be a factor. Physical causes include hypothyroidism, many chronic illnesses and viral infections, a variety of metabolic disorders and excess weight can all create low testosterone levels as well as the other sex hormones. Unfortunately, many people resort to taking drugs for low libido but this can hardly be expected to deal with the underlying cause.
According to Ayurveda, when the three doshas are in balance it results in a correct endocrine balance. The hormones, including the brain, sex, and thyroid hormones, are all produced at the correct time and the libido remains intact. A woman, provided that she is not subjected to excessive stress, is conscious of feeling normal sensations at the appropriate times in her monthly cycle. Ayurveda recognizes that good libido is related to vitality and motivation; when the supply of hormones is depleted lethargy ensues.
It is clear that with so many possible causes for low libido no single medicine can ever be expected to treat every case. Ayurvedic treatment of low libido involves first establishing which organ or system is at the root of the problem and Ayurvedic medicines are selected accordingly. It is however recognized that in most cases Pitta is at a low level and the emphasis is therefore placed on increasing Pitta.
The Ayurvedic treatment of low libido can be greatly enhanced by the use of certain yogic exercises and postures.
30 rounds of Indian push-ups (refer to my yoga book – ‘Yatan Yoga‘ for full instructions), as well as Uddiyana and Ashwani Mudra, are effective in raising Pitta.
- Foods that are recommended include dried dates, almonds, pistachio, cashews with sultanas, soya beans, red or black lentils, kaunch seeds, and milk and saffron with almond.
While this common health concern is generally categorized as a hormone problem the Ayurvedic treatment of low libido involves accurately pinpointing the true cause, without which no medicine will ever work permanently.
If you are experiencing this problem or would like low libdo or low testosterone treatment please contact us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.
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