Leg Pain Symptoms (Causes) | Leg Pain Treatment
Leg pain can be the result of a condition affecting the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels or skin. Typically it involves the inflammation of any of these tissues and may be accompanied by weakness, cramps or tingling. The list of possible causes is long, including injury or disease, poor circulation, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis symptoms including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (existing or impending), lymphatic blockage or much simpler causes such as excessive use of the legs or P.M.S. In most cases it is associated with compromised blood flow.
With so many possible causes an accurate diagnosis of the underlying imbalance is essential before deciding on a suitable course of treatment, although the blood circulation will always be the main focus for attention. Medicines typically used include Guggulu and Rasna. Mineral formulations can also be beneficial, for example calcium and magnesium which are frequently deficient when cramps are experienced. Ayurvedic massage with Maharanyan oil is often found to help greatly and yogic postures involving forward bending such as Padahastasana and Pawanmuktasana may be recommended – for details refer to my book Yoga Books (Yatan Yoga Therapy) available from our online store.
For further help with this problem please contact us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.
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