Kidney Detox: All You Need to Know
Everyone’s jumping on the detox bandwagon these days, whether it’s to detox their liver, kidneys, gut, or whole body. Truth be told, a detox is a great way to flush out toxins, restore your vitality and prevent disease at the same time. But when it comes to any kind of detox, knowledge is key. Detoxes should not be taken lightly or without professional advice.
When detoxing the kidneys, there are various methods you can implement at home, if you know what to do. An Ayurvedic practitioner may be able to assist you with this venture, as Ayurveda is well-known for its detoxifying herbs, diet and lifestyle recommendations. We are happy to offer some of those recommendations through this article.
But before we get into the actual detox tips, let’s take a look at the kidneys and their function to fully understand what happens when toxins build up.
Know Your Kidneys!
The two bean-shaped organs that sit beneath your ribcage are there for a reason that not many people fully grasp. Not only do they work hard day and night, but they are tasked with the vital responsibility of filtering the blood (approximately half a cup per minute) through filtering units known as nephrons. They’re also in charge of ridding the body of toxins, waste and water through producing urine – you could say they are quite the multitaskers!
To illustrate how they may become afflicted or compromised, think of your kidneys as, essentially, your body’s filtering system.
Now, imagine that the drain in your sink is blocking with waste. You have neglected it for some time, maybe you even removed the waste stopper or have a faulty one, which has now led to food getting trapped in the drainpipe. The stopper, though small and often ignored, was the one thing filtering the entire sink, and now it is potentially compromising the whole plumbing system. So what do you do? If you aren’t a professional yourself, you will need to consult a plumber and pay for repairs. But that’s a stage everyone wants to avoid, right? In an analogy to kidneys, this blockage could be an infection, toxin build-up or even a kidney stone. The stopper you neglected is your kidneys.
When this waste build-up is left untreated, the following complications may occur:
- Elevated blood pressure
- Puffy eyes
- Acidosis
- Urinary tract infection
- Absence or decrease of urine
- Bladder dysfunction
- Swollen legs and/or ankles (fluid retention)
- Bloating
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Shortness of breath
- Circulation problems
- Kidney stone(s)
To prevent any of the above from developing or progressing, a kidney detox plan may be required. If you want to take the drug-free, holistic route, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner may be one of the most life-changing things you will ever do. But you can also begin implementing some highly recommended detox tips yourself.
Kidney Detox Self-Help Tips
In our YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre, we have been successfully helping patients detox through what is known as Panchakarma for two decades. Some of the recommendations we make are as follows:
- Drink water as soon as you wake up, particularly at 6:00am, which is the time the kidneys are at their full function.
- Eat a generous bowl of watermelon in the afternoon, as this will assist with both purifying and hydrating the body.
- Add chokos (chayote squash) to your diet, which are rich in nutrients and powerful antioxidants. Your blood will thank you for them!
- Stick to liquids and avoid solids. You might also like to go on a juice fast, but make sure to consult a health advisor beforehand.

Happy young woman showing drinking glass with water at home
- Try kidney-cleansing herbs such dandelion, marshmallow root, nettle, juniper and red clover. These all aid the urinary system by flushing out toxins and excess fluid and may even help you cure a UTI.
- Get into Yoga, particularly asanas such as the Locust pose, Peacock pose, Yoga Mudras and Twists.
Looking for a customised, all-natural and drug-free way to detox your kidneys? Contact us today for a free no-obligation Ayurveda consultation today!
All information and resources referenced in this article, including medicinal preparations, exercise and dietary recommendations, are based on the opinion of the author. All content is intended to inform and encourage the reader to seek professional advice if the aforementioned conditions and symptoms are present. No information in this article should be considered a diagnosis or prescription.

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