Karmic Sickness – Forewarned is Forearmed
I remember in my early days as a practitioner of Ayurveda being warned by a guru of the great power of our Karma, and the many ways that it can exercise revenge on us if we do not take care.
He told me a story of how he himself had once fallen sick and even though he had a great experience in the formulation of medicines to treat all manner of illnesses he had on this occasion completely forgotten all that he had ever known. When he eventually recovered his memory completely returned. He also told me of a lady who had collected some medicines from him for her own use but these met with an accident and were all lost. She, therefore, returned for replacements but the stock was exhausted.
The word Karma has nowadays become somewhat trendy. Many people use the term to describe the negative forces over which they feel they have no control, and the word is often misinterpreted to mean quite simply ‘fate’. The reality is that we do have the ability to modify our Karma and mold our destiny by changing our own behavior and freeing ourselves from the patterns in which we have become stuck. We all have the free will to cast aside destructive habits from our past lives.
The purpose of this short article is to warn anyone who is embarking on a treatment program such as the menopause program that they should be prepared to meet up with distractions along the way. If they are allowed to have their own way such diversions can easily bring such a program to a premature end.
If you need a help book an appointment at the YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260. Call us for free 10 minutes consultation.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/Freedigitalphotos.net

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