Jaundice in Babies Newborns, Adult Symptoms and Jaundice Treatment
Jaundice is the medical term used to describe the yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by the build-up of the yellow pigment known as bilirubin in the blood and tissues of the body. Other jaundice symptoms may be pale-coloured stools and dark-coloured urine. Bilirubin is a natural by-product of the breakdown of red blood cells and it is normally excreted in the bile, through the actions of the liver.
What causes jaundice?
Jaundice causes are when the amount of bilirubin produced exceeds the liver’s capacity to remove it, jaundice develops. Most frequently this is caused by an impairment in liver function, which may be due to an infection, such as viral hepatitis. In other cases the bile ducts may be blocked, commonly by gallstones, so that the flow of bile containing the bilirubin is obstructed. In any event, jaundice treatment always puts treatment of the liver as a priority.
Ayurveda has many effective herbs for jaundice treatment which it utilises in treating the liver, the best for jaundice being Punarnava. Medicines are selected according to the condition of the patient, example taking into account the level of appetite or such factors as nausea. Food items which are recommended as they act like medicines include: beetroot, radish, cherries, plums, lemons, limes and sugar cane juice. Carrots, turmeric and yellow foods in general should be avoided. It has long been understood that improving the digestion is a major factor in jaundice treatment, but ideas as to the best way to do this can vary greatly. I recall long ago when I was living in a village in India an uncle of mine who lived locally was sick with jaundice. The local doctor recommended four or five bottles of Coca-Cola a day, as this was considered to aid digestion. Concepts do change over time.
Except in cases of jaundice in newborns and jaundice in babies, where temporary jaundice is common and generally clears up of its own accord, jaundice in adults is generally indicative of a serious underlying problem that should be treated without delay. Fortunately, monitoring progress is a simple matter as when treatment is effective the bilirubin levels will be seen to decline rapidly.
If you need help regarding jaundice in Babies (Newborns) & Jaundice in Adult contact us at the YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre in 1300 552 260 for Jaundice Treatment

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