International Yoga Day 2015 – A World First
The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago in Northern India, but some researchers believe that it could in fact be up to 10,000 years old. It is therefore perhaps surprising that it did not reach the west until the late 1800s and early 1900s, and even then it was generally considered to be a practice of interest purely to yogis, with predominantly religious connotations. It was as late as the mid-20th century before its profound health benefits began to be recognised by the general public and since then a huge number of scientific studies have confirmed its effectiveness in both treating and preventing a wide variety of physical and mental health problems.
So well has the message travelled that the Indian government have for the first time in history been inspired to launch International Yoga day. On Sunday 21st June 192 countries participated in this event, which is expected to greatly elevate the status of yoga in the public eye. This is great news for people of all nationalities, as no other system exists which can offer such far reaching health benefits to people of all ages and capabilities. What makes the practice so unique is its ability to open up all the micro-channels of the body through a vast range of postures which act at an infinite number of angles. The yogis who developed these exercises understood that this greatly reduces the time taken for nutrients to reach those parts of the body where they are needed.
The practice of yoga is therefore now more accessible than ever to anybody who would like to explore its health-giving benefits, without any need to change one’s beliefs or join some sort of religious sect. It is impossible not to experience the benefits, providing that one first has a clear understanding of any existing problem that might interfere with the ability to carry out the exercises. For example, if the bones are heard to crack when performing a posture the body is clearly in need of lubrication and any underlying deficiency will need to be corrected if the yogic exercises are to be beneficial.
The two books, YATAN Yoga and YATAN Yoga Therapy, available from our online store, contain a comprehensive collection of yogic exercises for daily practice, or for addressing specific health concerns. These books are lavishly illustrated and are all that is needed to maintain a complete yoga practice at any level of proficiency.

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