How Does a Body Develop a Sickness?
It goes without saying that any one of us can ‘pick up’ a sickness at any time. However, chronic conditions do not generally develop overnight, and there is much that we can do to keep such problems at bay.
Put simply, if we do not care for our bodies imbalances are bound to arise and these will increase over time. An imbalance could mean either a depletion (deficiency) or an excess (toxicity) or there might even be a combination of the two. According to Ayurveda, such extremes result in an imbalance of the three doshas – that is to say an aggravation or a deficiency of Vata, Pitta or Kapha, any of which will lay the foundations for disease to take a hold.
It is the purpose of an Ayurvedic assessment to find out exactly the state of balance of the doshas long before any symptoms are evident, so that we can foresee any likely problem arising in the future. This type of analysis will yield information long before any x-ray or scan will be able to pick up any sign of an underlying problem, meaning that we will be able to quickly establish a plan of action to rebalance the system and thereby prevent the onset of a full-blown illness. To take just one example, a person who is always in a rush, failing to eat healthily or rest adequately will reveal underlying stresses which are putting their body’s biorhythms out of synchronisation. If this process is not stopped in its tracks, heart problems are likely to develop at a later time.
Our recently released e-book, ‘What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You’ gives many common examples of the body’s calls for help. For a comprehensive assessment call us on 1300 552 260 to book an Ayurvedic consultation.

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