Gut Problems – What Can Your Skin Be Telling you?
Throughout Ayurveda, the gut is constantly seen as the root of all bodily imbalances. Starting from the mouth, or more accurately from the sinuses, and finishing at the anus, it is typically about 9 metres in length. In view of its size and the location and functions of its component organs, it has had to develop ways of communicating with the exterior to inform us about its requirements and any internal imbalances which might be contributing to ill health.
The small intestine in particular, which is responsible for all absorption, can send out a large number of signals, often through the skin. The skin provides our greatest area for elimination, and when excess heat and toxicity results from poor diet or stress or negative emotions it can exhibit a variety of symptoms. This is seen in Ayurveda as a pitta problem.
One example is the reddening of the cheeks known as ‘Rosacea’. This is a clear indication that some part of the digestive tract is damaged and needs to be treated. Another sign relating to the intestines is the appearance of dark lines on the centre of the palms. When the appropriate treatment has been carried out these unwelcome symptoms vanish.
As always with Ayurveda inner cleansing, particularly of the liver and blood, is seen as the effective route to restoring balance. A cooling and purification regime is followed, involving a pitta-soothing diet, selected herbs and lifestyle and exercise recommendations. Detoxification through Panchakarma would here be especially helpful.

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