Flexibility – The Key to Health, Happiness and Longevity
At every level, from the single cell to the muscles, joints and organs, the human body is totally dependent on flexibility for optimal performance. The range of movements and directions of movements are infinite, and if there is any malfunction in this machinery many health problems can arise, from stiff muscles and joints to arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and high blood pressure. The ill effect on circulation, both of blood and of lymph, results in poor transport of nutrients and waste. Hormone supply is compromised and this leads to a slowing down of all body systems and acceleration of the aging process.
Modern medicine provides drugs for example; to relax the arteries or to thin the blood, but ultimately such a solution can be dangerous. Ayurveda is unique in addressing the issue of flexibility holistically – including the mind, soul and emotions along with the body. Ayurvedic herbal medicines work by clearing the gut and restoring healthy peristaltic movement. Ayurveda recognises lack of flexibility as frequently being due to elevated vata, which increases both coldness and dryness, inhibiting flexibility. Certain herbs are used to warm the muscles and joints or to calm the nervous system. When yoga exercises, such as Bhastrika Pranayama, are practised simultaneously all the organs become more flexible. Certain foods are suggested to help the process, such as water melon, chick peas and green salads these can also be used as a form of anti –arthritis diet. Fasting can also be very beneficial.
Yogic practices have many powerful benefits. The blood supply, and hence the supply of nutrients to all the tissues, is greatly enhanced reducing the chance of developing any type of arthritis. Even a simple stretching exercise, such as we see animals perform, increases the tissue temperature which helps speed up nutrient transport. The tissues become more elastic, which improves performance. The synovial fluid becomes more readily available so that the joints are better lubricated and degeneration is reduced. Less obvious is increased neuro-muscular communication. The time taken for an impulse to travel to the brain and back is reduced, which enables the muscles to work in a more coordinated fashion.
Lack of flexibility is often regarded as a natural part of aging, but many of the changes in our musculo-skeletal system are simply due to lack of use. By treating the condition through exercise as well as herbal medicines and oils and by addressing the diet, Ayurveda paves the way to a longer, healthier and happier life and acts as a beneficial form of arthritis treatment also.

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