Everything You Need To Know About Sinusitis
What are Sinuses and Sinusitis?
Sinuses are hollow cavities which are situated in the cheeks, forehead, within the skull, and between and behind the eyes lined with tissue called mucosa. All these cavities drain into the nose through small channels. One of the sinuses’ functions is to humidify, warm and filter the air that flows through the nasal cavity when we breath in. They produce a thin mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose and protects it from pollutants and microbes. Tiny hairs in the nose move the mucus back towards the throat where it can be swallowed. The sinuses also play an important role in increasing the resonance of our voice and is why our sound and pronunciation changes when we catch a cold or flu.
Sinusitis can be caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infections or allergies. The lining of the sinus cavities gets inflamed and swells, producing additional mucus and blocking the drainage channels. The buildup of mucus can then provide conditions for bacteria and fungi to grow. Bacteria can create biofilms which can then further provoke an inflammation reaction. Structural abnormalities in the nasal cavity, smoking and overuse of decongestant sprays also increase the risk of blocked sinuses.
Types of Sinusitis:
Sinusitis can be both short termed (acute) and long term (chronic).
Acute Sinusitis
Inflammation can last up to 4 weeks, or 4 -12 weeks (subacute) and is typically caused by a viral infection associated with the common cold. Normally this would resolve in 7-10 days. Although less common, if bacterial infection does occur it is usually a result of complications of the initial infection, or any untreated allergy.
Neti pot therapy is very beneficial in this type of sinusitis.
Chronic Sinusitis
When inflammation and symptoms last longer than 12 weeks then sinusitis is chronic. Usually, the cause of this condition is a chronic inflammatory disorder which shares similar traits to bronchial asthma. Chronic sinusitis should be treated as early as it is discovered, otherwise it can stay for months and even for years.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Sinusitis and common cold symptoms are similar, so it is advisable to see your health care practitioner in case you are not sure. Some of these symptoms may not be present at the same time and will depend on the level of severity of the condition.
- Formation of mucus in the nasal cavity and at the back of the throat. The mucus is thick, and the color is green or yellow
- Bad breath and bad taste in the mouth
- A sore throat
- Shivering
- Tiredness
- Sense of smell and taste is lost
- Facial congestion (the face feels full)
- Facial pain and headache
- Sensation of pressure that is worse with leaning forward
- Obstructive sleep apnea
Ayurvedic Explanation of Sinusitis
According to Ayurveda, excess mucus production is the main cause of the sinusitis condition – this is an imbalance of Kapha. The problem starts when the digestive enzymes or digestive fire (Agni) is reduced (a deficiency in Pitta), and the weakened digestive system results in a post digestive buildup of unusable byproduct (ama) which then causes an increase in mucus. Susceptible people will then have mucus accumulation in the sinuses triggered by some disturbance or irritation like pollen, pollution, viruses etc.
What can Happen if Sinusitis is Untreated?
Sinusitis can in rare cases become critical if the untreated infection affects the eyes or brain. Untreated allergy and infection can lead to chronic symptoms, and as the nasal membrane remains inflamed the nasal cilia can be damaged, further reducing drainage of the mucus. A chronic condition can also cause the atrophy or thinning of the mucous membranes, which can worsen with age.
Effects of untreated sinusitis can be as follows –
- Difficulty in breathing through nose/ Loud breathing
- Eyes and vision can be affected,
- Frequent headaches, brain fog
- Hearing loss up to some extent.
- Chronic cough
How do we Treat Sinusitis at Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Centre?
At Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Centre, a holistic assessment of your current lifestyle and general health will be made. The sinusitis symptoms you are experiencing, and how they are impacting your daily life will be reviewed and a treatment plan to provide both immediate relief and long-term healing will be devised.
Some or all the following treatment methods may be recommended –
- Customised Ayurvedic herbs
- Lifestyle changes, including yoga and daily routines that should be made to experience optimum results.
- Customised diet plan based on our Ayurvedic analysis and experience.
- The correct use and most appropriate schedule for doing saline nasal irrigation using our Yatan neti pot
- Ayurvedic nasal drops and oil massage, to improve circulation via lubricating the nasal passage.
At Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Centre, we follow a 100% Ayurvedic and natural approach and understand that everyone is different, hence the treatment for every individual is customized. Effective treatment of sinusitis at our clinic can improve your quality of life by improving your energy level, reducing cough, mucus production and other sinusitis symptoms.
The treatment of sinusitis, particularly when chronic tends to be a long-term process, but you can expect to gradually feel better and better as your treatment plan progresses.
Please get in touch for your 10 minutes free consultation.

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