Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) Causes & Treatment
Erectile dysfunction – or impotence – is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection in such a way as to enable satisfactory sexual intercourse. This problem of impotency can happen as part of the aging process, as hormone levels begin to decrease above the age of 40. Other physical causes for erectile dysfunction include the narrowing of the blood vessels, or by the involvement of a number of prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, antidepressants or cholesterol lowering drugs, as these can have a strong impact on hormone production and dry out the bone marrow and semen. Other erectile dysfunction causes includes psychological elements such as anxiety or depression and stress which exhausts the adrenals causing a decline in sexual capability. Another erectile dysfunction cause is excessive weight gain, where muscles lose their tone and ‘hang’.
The problem is so common – as many as 50% of men between 40 and 70 have been estimated to be affected – that it is no surprise that a huge industry has sprung up, offering drugs of the Viagra type as a impotence treatment. However, the possible side-effects of these erectile dysfunction treatments are not fully understood, and reports of adverse cardiac effects and even deaths have led to the packaging carrying warning labels.
There are also many natural Ayurvedic remedies (herbal supplements) for erectile dysfunction but while most who use these report satisfaction with the outcome, others are unable to lay hands on the ‘magic potion’ to cure their problem. The fact is that none of these Ayurvedic treatments for impotence take into account individual differences with regard to underlying erectile dysfunction causes, and there is also confusion about how much of a medicine to take, and how often.
There is a different branch for erectile dysfunction treatment in Ayurvedic Medicine called Vajikarana which deals with the promotion of sexual health and vitality, enabling men to find natural solutions to their sexual problems. A number of Ayurvedic medications may be prescribed, the best known for adrenal exhaustion being Ashwagandha. If the disorder is due to drugs then other medicines, such as Shatavari and Gokshur may be used, and Shilajit is yet another herb very commonly used to enhance vitality. Additionally, medicated massage oils and pastes may be provided to help tone the muscles.
Yogic exercises can be highly beneficial in strengthening the muscles and to assist in weight loss. Indian Push-ups and Squatting are particularly effective in this respect (see Yoga Book Yatan Yoga pp. 46-49 ).
Diet is, as always, of the utmost importance but here there is a need to take individual doshic balance into account. For this reason it is highly recommended that anybody who wishes to tackle this problem should first undergo a doshic assessment so that an appropriate dietary regime can be provided.
If you are one of the many who would benefit from help with this distressing problem, help is at hand.
For more information or to seek out help on erectile dysfunction and impotence treatment regarding this condition, call the YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.

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