Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) Causes & Treatment
Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is a very common condition in which a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection in such a way as to make normal sexual intercourse possible. In fact, it is estimated that half of all men above the age of 40 are affected by this problem. Many are too embarrassed to seek help, and those who do look for erectile dysfunction treatment frequently resort to using drugs such as Viagra, resulting in dependency.
Erectile dysfunction causes are many, some of which are physical and others psychological. The most common cause is considered to be the narrowing of the arteries which can accompany aging, but it can also be the result of excess weight in the lower abdomen, bearing down upon the genitals. Recent studies have found that over 80% of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are overweight or obese. It is also sometimes caused by a thyroid problem. Other possibilities include the use of medications, including blood pressure drugs, antidepressants and immune-suppressants, excess alcohol consumption or over-acidity of the system. A deficiency of hormones is also often an erectile dysfunction causes. Psychological causes include anxiety, depression, relationship problems and stress. Past problems, guilt and fear of failure can all be contributory factors. Unfortunately, whatever the cause, the outcome is often a loss of self-esteem and this can only make matters worse.
As there are so many possible causes, there are a variety of erectile dysfunction treatment. The condition can be either local or systemic, for example in the latter case it might stem from a low immune system or low vitality. Vata aggravation is frequently a primary factor in erectile dysfunction; when there is anxiety this causes excess air to invade the brain and reproductive organs, causing the hormones to dry up. In such cases virility increasing medicines will be given, together with Vata pacifying herbs or herbs to balance the adrenals, such as Ashwagandha. Where mental or emotional factors are involved erectile dysfunction treatment involves brain enhancing herbs such as Brahmi and licorice are used to restore balance. If the problem is caused by abdominal obesity treatmen focuses on the loss of weight in that area.
Yoga can be particularly helpful as an impotence treatment when the main issue is the lack of blood flow in the reproductive area. The Squat, Indian Push-ups and Agnisar Kriya are all very beneficial in opening congested channels. In some cases the base chakra – the Mooladhara chakra – may be in a dormant state so that energy is unable to flow. At such times Khumbaka Pranayama (retention) and Ashwini Mudra can be very useful. Full details of all these practices can be found in the two books – Yoga Books “Yatan Yoga” and Yoga Books “Yatan Yoga Therapy”.
Additional erectile dysfunction treatment available include Ayurvedic oils and creams which can be used externally.
If you are seeking help with this problem call the Yatan Holistic Health Healing on 1300552260.
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