What is Seborrheic Dermatitis & Eczema Treatment?
What is dermatitis?
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin which may cause it to become red and itchy, often developing into a rash or in more acute cases causing crusty scales or blisters which may ooze fluid. There are a number of different types of dermatitis, including seborrheic dermatitis and eczema, and they can affect any age group, but in general, they are allergic conditions indicative of a hypersensitive immune system. The most common treatment available is steroid creams.
Ayurveda recognizes dermatitis and eczema as a problem caused by aggravation of Pitta. Ayurvedic dermatitis treatment varies greatly according to the age of the patient. When it affects newborn baby herbal ointments or oils may be provided but additionally, the mother may be given herbal medicines so that the baby may be treated through the mother’s breast milk. In the case of an adult, the dermatitis treatment will also be internal as well as external. With elderly patients, where there is a decline in hormone production, hormone boosting medicines are utilized. These can be seen to improve the texture of the skin very quickly – in fact, where no hormone treatment is undertaken the skin will always take longer to recover.
As Pitta production is controlled by the liver this is generally also treated, and in certain cases –particularly older people –the gut may also require treatment as it may be dry, and this affects the skin.
Sometimes the skin pores are enlarged which makes them unable to retain moisture. In such cases, the skin is treated to enable it to expand or contract according to requirements.
Other considerations in dermatitis may apply, for example, other organs may be affected, and acid-alkaline balance is also often an issue; excess acidity or alkalinity can both cause dryness of the skin. When there is pus or weeping fluid blood purifying medicines may be used.
Dietary advice is an important part of the program. Spices, red meats, and seafood are to be avoided and green leafy vegetables recommended due to their chlorophyll content. Carrots and beetroot are also helpful.
Yogic practices that can be very beneficial for dermatitis treatment include Shitali Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama. For full details see ‘Yatan Yoga Therapy’.
If you are suffering from dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema then Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Health Centre can provide effective treatments. Call us on 1300552260 for a free 10-minute consultation in Sydney.

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