Colonic Irrigation | Bowel Cleanse| Natural Colon Cleanse Diet
The Benefits Of Colonic Irrigation Colonic irrigation is not a new therapy. Its exact origins are uncertain but a colon cleanse is something that has certainly been used for thousands of...
Signs And Symptoms Of Aging
The rate of aging varies greatly in different cultures, and also between individuals of the same culture. The increase in longevity in our own society has given rise to a...
Why Rejuvenation?
Ayurveda has the reputation of being the oldest science for rejuvenation, with a history going back over 5,000 years. Ironically, in India it has not always been valued as highly...
Tackling The Mystery Of Aging
Ageing is a term used to refer to the sum total of the changes that take place in a living organism with the passage of time. It is generally considered...
Rejuvenation – Turning Back The Clock (Part 2)
Ayurveda is well equipped to address the issue of rejuvenation, in view of its truly comprehensive, holistic approach. Its great strength lies in its ability to multi-task, drawing upon a...
Rejuvenation – Turning Back The Clock (Part 1)
The average life expectancy in our society is increasing steadily, but this gives rise to a whole new set of problems. While we can expect to live longer than our...
Our Refreshing Plan For 2013
2013 will be an exciting year for the YATAN Ayurvedic Centre. While we can’t promise immortality we have been working on the next best thing – Rejuvenation! In my many...
Making Friends With Leeches
Since ancient times bloodletting has been used as an important means of curing a variety of health conditions, mainly through activating the immune system. The practice was widely used as...
Natural Colon Cleanse (Cleansing) Diet | Colonic Irrigation (Hydrotherapy) | Bowel Cleanse
Colon Cleanse (Cleansing) – Is It Money Just Down The Drain? A clean, strong and well-functioning colon is a pre-requisite for optimal health. This is why a colon cleanse or...