
Health Conditions Heal and Bloom

Postnatal Depression…..Or Depletion?
Some readers of these blogs may have seen a recent report in the press about the work of an Australian family practitioner, Dr. Oscar Serrallach, who runs an integrative heath...
Yatan Menopause Treatment Program – Restoration and Rejuvenation
By many the menopause is simply thought of as a time when a woman ceases to menstruate and starts to suffer from hot flushes. In fact, the list of possible...
Hot Flushes Causes during Menopause – Treatment with Ayurvedic Approach
What are hot flushes ? During menopause hot flushes are such a common phenomenon that a vast percentage of women have come to regard them as an inevitable cross to...
Allergic Reaction Symptoms and Treatment – An Ayurvedic Approach
What is an allergic reaction?  An allergic reaction is an exaggerated response of our body to a food or a substance in the environment which would normally be considered harmless....
Scleroderma Symptoms and Treatment
What is Scleroderma? Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune condition, resulting in skin hardening, tightening, and thickening. This can cause thick patches to appear anywhere on the body and occasionally internal...
Fungal Infections of the Feet
Amongst roughly 1.5 million known species of fungus on earth, only 300 of these are known to cause nail infection problems in humans. These fungal nail infections can reside in...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Brittle Nails
The nails on our fingers and toes can become subjected to a wide variety of nail infections, which affect both males and females of all ages. It is true to...
Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder Signs, Symptoms &Treatment
 What is Bulimia? Bulimia, also known as Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of binge-eating and subsequent self-induced vomiting (emesis). In other words, it is a type of...
Adrenal Stress – Its Causes And Treatment
Adrenal stress, or adrenal fatigue, is the term applied to a collection of signs and symptoms that are experienced when the adrenal glands function at a lower than normal level....
Help Is At Hand For Muscle Wasting
Muscle wasting, or ‘atrophy’, can affect people of all ages and can occur for a variety of reasons. In some cases it is due to an illness or an injury...