
Daily Routine & Lifestyle Heal and Bloom

Factors That Influence Health In Ayurveda
How many factors determine our health? We should start by defining the word health; it implies not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state in which one’s...
Maximising Wellness Through Ayurveda
The popular concept of wellness is to be told after a medical checkup that there is nothing wrong with you. The Ayurvedic parameters for measuring wellness, however, are far broader,...
Going Along With Nature – Respect Your Natural Urges
The human body is very like a computer in many ways.  It has long been known that our physical, mental and emotional patterns are not random, but undergo cyclical changes....
Yatan Lifestyle Kits – An Investment in Your Wellbeing
It has long been known that all living systems, animals, and plants, are subject to rhythmic changes. The most obvious of these are circadian rhythms, which work on a 24-hour...