As we know, there are different medicines available for different organs and conditions of the body. But what if there was one medicine that could treat multiple organs and conditions?...
“As you think, so you are.” Thoughts are the way our minds communicate with us. Whether they are positive or negative thoughts, based on what is real or simply perceived...
Once over the age of 40, multiple chronic illnesses tend tocrop up. This is partly because of the ageing system’s gradual depletion of hormones, but it can also be attributed...
Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder. If you suffer from restless sleeping, getting up several times in the middle of the night, or just generally having trouble...
What is a diet? These days, we tend to associate the term strictly with specific dietary plans. But a diet can also simply imply your own personal food choices and...
The Dos and Don’ts During a Pandemic or Lockdown People from all over the world have recently found themselves enclosed in their homes due to the pandemic. These lockdowns have...
Many people are raving about detox nowadays: gut detox, skin detox, liver detox, kidney detox, even hair detox! But a part of the body that often gets overlooked is the...
Ayurvedic Treatment to Prevent Weight Gain Caused by Stress Do you binge on cakes and chips when you’re stressed out? Do you rush to the fridge for some ice-cream or...
Feeling nervousness, fatigue, a sense of dread, a thumping heart or a throbbing head are symptoms everyone experiences at some point in their life. But did you know that these...
Australia’s population is aging, and half are now older than 37. 15% (that’s 3.7 million) are over 65. As life expectancy increases, and lifestyles have changed, many age-related and chronic...