Candida Overgrowth | Candida Symptoms | Candida Diet | Candida Treatment
What is Candida?
Candida is a fungus – a form of yeast which exists in every human body. In limited quantities it creates no problems but if it is allowed to multiply excessively it can create a huge range of health problems. In fact, it is by far the prime cause of fungal infections worldwide.
Candida is dependent upon sugars for its nutrition, and it is therefore no surprise that with the increase of consumption of processed and junk foods, and the fact that refined sugars are used in the manufacture of so many of the products we consume, candidiasis – the name given to overgrowth of candida in the human body – has become so prevalent. The consumption of large amounts of sugar causes extremes of acidity in the body and it is in this environment that candida thrives. Immunity is low and the metabolism becomes sluggish and incomplete.
Candida Treatment:
Ayurveda explains the problem as being symptomatic of low Pitta. In such an environment pathogens are able to grow much more quickly. Ayurvedic candida treatment therefore involves the use of Pitta increasing medicines. For a candida diet all sugar and processed foods need to be avoided, as should tomato, and an alkaline diet is followed, with attention to increasing the metabolic rate and strengthening the immune system. Helpful items include turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, green tea (not with sugar), dandelion, kelp, beetroot and bitter melon. Strong physical exercises can also be very beneficial, particularly Squatting and Indian Push-ups (see ‘Yoga Books’ Yatan Yoga for full details).
If the earlier symptoms of candida are ignored and the problem is allowed to progress further many serious illnesses can follow, and vital organs including the heart, brain and liver can be affected.
If you think you may be affected by candida overgrowth book a consultation while there is time to nip it in the bud. Call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260 for free consultation.
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