Burning in Feet | Burning Feet Syndrome | Burning Hands and Feet Treatment
Signs of a Pitta imbalance
In cases of constant burning hands and feet or burning feet syndrome this is explained by Ayurveda as being due to a Pitta imbalance. Burning feet at night is also a common problem. There may be an excess of Pitta (fire) in the system or possibly there may not be enough so that only the burning hands and feet. When the whole body is cold with the exception of the hands and feet this is a situation of low Pitta. In normal circumstances the body is able to control the distribution of heat but when this control is lost the adrenals regard this as an emergency and an adrenal rush follows. The adrenals have no ability to exercise control over the process.
Burning hands and feet can affect both men and women and it is a problem which often occurs in menopause. When the body produces excessive fire Ayurvedic medicine is given to reduce Pitta, and when it is cold we use medicines which increase it. Some people use ice cream and cold drinks to cool themselves down when they are producing excess heat and have burning feet as a consequence, but this can ultimately do more harm than good as it interferes with normal circulation. In the case of menopausal imbalances, hormone balancing medicines are used, as merely adjusting Pitta is not enough; when hormone balance is restored Pitta is automatically balanced. Ayurvedic diet advice is given to achieve this – excellent foods are avocado, banana, water melon, spinach, asparagus and apples.
The breathing exercise Sheetali Pranayama – 5 minutes three times daily – soon shows benefits in cases of burning feet. See my Yoga book “Yatan Yoga Therapy” for details.
For further help with this problem please contact us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.
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