
Wellness Insights Heal and Bloom

Scalp Psoriasis | Psoriasis Symptoms Causes | Psoriasis Treatment Diet
From The Inside Out – A Deeper Look At Psoriasis Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition affecting millions. There are several types, with scalp psoriasis being the most common, each...
Bloating Digestive System Gastrointestinal Disorders Diseases Problems
The term ‘indigestion’ is generally used to describe one or other form of discomfort suffered after eating, such as heaviness, bloating or so-called ‘heartburn’. The Ayurvedic concept of indigestion goes...
Low Testosterone Symptoms (Low libido in women) Treatment
Not Now Honey – I Have A Headache For a woman who has once had a healthy sex drive, few things can be as frustrating and disappointing as a lack...
Signs of Menopause | Early Menopause Symptoms | Menopause Treatment
Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster? Menopause symptoms, as well as early menopause symptoms, can create a roller coaster ride for many women. Amongst the many signs of menopause are the...
Getting Pregnant – Female Infertility Causes & Treatment
Making a Baby  – Getting Pregnant the Ayurvedic Way Infertility and especially female infertility is becoming a massive problem worldwide. There can be little doubt that a large part of...
Male Fertility Low Sperm Count (Infertility in Men) Treatment
Below The Belt – Not Just a Woman Thing Male fertility levels are estimated to have declined by 50% over the last 50 years. One in eight couples trying to...
Food Intolerance – One Man′s Meat is Another Man′s Poison
Food intolerance is an increasingly common problem. It can be defined as ‘the inability to properly digest or fully process certain foods’. This leads to adverse reactions in any part...
Insomnia – When Just Counting Sheep Isn′t Enough
Just as we need a wholesome diet for good health and longevity, so do we require adequate, good quality sleep, yet chronic insomnia is estimated to affect as many as...
Don′t Throw Out The Dark Suits Yet!
Dandruff is the shedding of dead cells from the scalp. While this is a normal process, due to the constant replacement of the epidermal cells, it normally takes about a...
Don′t Shoot the Messenger – Dealing with Cholesterol
Cholesterol has a bad press, yet it is one of the most important substances produced in the human body. It is involved in the formation of new cell membranes, and...