Beat the Burnout : How to Activate Your Secret Reserve of Energy and Immunity with Ayurveda
Burnout is a very real, non-imaginary condition. Australians in particular have one of the highest rates of burnout. A 2020 study, which analysed white-collar workers working from home, revealed that almost four in five Australians (77%) suffered burnout— that’s 6% above the global average!

But did you know that our bodies are hardwired to handle burnout, even if we don’t believe we can? This is all thanks to a depository of energy stored within our system that activates only when we need it the most.
Let’s take a look at exactly how this hidden system works and how you can make use of Ayurveda to boost its function and effectiveness.
The Immune Reserve: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Do you ever wonder where you get your energy from when you’re in a state of burnout or fatigue? Maybe you got stuck in traffic while hungry and tired after work, but managed to pull through and drive home safely. Or perhaps you got drained working out, then realized you have more strength than you thought when you lifted a few more weights. And how about the last time you got ill? You still pulled through and recovered despite your fatigue, fever and lack of energy— because something inside your system was watching out for you and activated itself so that you can endure and survive.

This hidden defence system is your immune reserve. It’s a depository of your physical strength, endurance and immunity. And while it may not be obvious that it’s there, it will kick in when you least expect it and when really need it to…unless, you’ve depleted it.
The immune system’s job, as you may know, is about fighting and protecting the body against intruding bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders. But the immune reserve is much more than that: it is a storage facility that houses that extra bit of immunity as well as physical energy, vitality, endurance, willpower, motivation and livelihood that you would require in an emergency situation. And it will work for you only when you absolutely require it.
Burnout is one of the many conditions that may awaken this immune reserve and request its assistance. But how can you recognise burnout in the first place?
Burnout Symptoms and Myths
Burnout is a state of physical as well as emotional and mental exhaustion brought on by prolonged stress. The most common causes of this stress are work-related problems, overwork, parenting, caretaking, studying, and overexerting yourself in any way repeatedly.
These are the various symptoms and warning signs that you may be suffering from burnout:

- Anxiety
- Brain fog
- Cellular oxidative stress
- Hyperventilation
- Fatigue
- Insomnia, despite being tired
- Isolation (the need to be alone)
- Lack of enthusiasm and positivity
- Lack of focus and concentration
- Low motivation
- Mental exhaustion
- Panic
- Photophobia (hypersensitivity to light)
- Physical exhaustion
- Poor memory
- Skin dryness (extreme)
- Systemic dryness
It is also important to dispel some myths surrounding burnout, such as:
Myth: Burnout happens only at older ages.
Truth: Burnout can occur at any age, but it is more prevalent in people over the age of 40.
Myth: Eating food can help you recover from burnout.
Truth: Not necessarily. The intake of food cannot instantly create energy or restore the body’s optimal nutrient levels. It will usually take a few days to notice a difference, and even months to fully up your nutrient and mineral deposits.
Myth: Supplements can cure burnout.
Truth: Similarly to food, supplements are neither a quick fix nor a cure. Their absorption can also be quite tricky and even very minimal. Supplementation must also always be discussed with a physician first.
Myth: You should stay in bed for days to overcome burnout symptoms.
Truth: While rest is always advised, the body should also perform the movement to ensure the circulation of blood and nutrients to the organs. Yoga is a great way to recover from symptoms of burnout, and can be as gentle or dynamic as you need it to be.
As you can see, there are many different facets of burnout and a variety of symptoms and myths associated with it. But what is, in fact, the cure?
The Burnout Treatment Plan: How to Replenish Your Immune Reserve with Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient health science that perceives the body as a whole. Should you choose Ayurveda as the route to your healing, you can benefit from its multiple methods that address not only the physical body, but also the mind and spirit. With Ayurveda, thus, you can achieve full systemic healing, inside-out.
An Ayurvedic practitioner would take you through the following steps to help you recover from chronic burnout:
Step #1: Lifestyle changes
Each body follows a certain pattern; it wakes up at a certain time, goes to work at a certain time, eats during certain hours, and sleeps at a certain time. Your hormones also change every two hours, and your mood may alter from minute to minute. The Ayurvedic practitioner will take all these parameters into account when devising your burnout treatment plan, and will recommend appropriate lifestyle changes so that you always have your immune reserve full.
Step #2: Food and dietary changes
In Ayurveda, food is a form of medicine. According to your dosha, you should be eating certain foods while avoiding others for optimal health. When it comes to burnout, you might have to increase the amount of certain immunity and energy-boosting foods, such as avocado, eggs and nuts; the exact foods will be identified and recommended through your own personalized dietary plan.
Step #3: Ayurvedic herbal medicine
Ayurvedic herbs are another form of medicine that will be prescribed to you. And they make a great addition to the burnout plan because most herbs used in Ayurveda are adaptogenic, meaning they can aid the body in dealing with stress. Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Vidarikand, Musali, Bhringaraj and Amalaki may be prescribed to you by your Ayurvedic practitioner. You must never take any of these herbs without being consulted on the appropriate dosage according to your dosha and individual needs.
Step #4: Yoga
Yoga is almost always prescribed for individuals suffering from burnout and fatigue, as it restores energy levels quite quickly, lowers stress levels, boosts endocrine function and blood circulation to recover faster, and benefits your entire system in the process.

Asanas (poses) often recommended are: Saravangasana (Shoulder Stand), Yoga Mudra (Psychic Union Pose) and Gorakshasana (Cowherd Pose).
Pranayamas (breathing techniques) usually recommended are: Ujjayi (Ocean Breath),Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Bleeding),Bhastrika (Bellow Breath / Breath of Fire), and SitaliPranayama (Cooling Breath).
If you would like to learn more about how to perform these poses and breathing techniques through a beginner-friendly compendium, you can check out our YATAN Yoga Therapy book.
Burnout can happen to anyone, and it almost always stems from overworking your body or mind. There is only so much a person can take and you shouldn’t beat yourself up for not being able to perform as usual.
Temporary burnout may be easy to treat, but it’s chronic burnout that can wreak havoc on your system if you do not find a way to address it promptly. If your immune reserve is depleted, you may face worse symptoms, complications, and even disease.
At our YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre in Sydney we can offer a fully customized burnout treatment plan that is designed specifically for your dosha and needs. We understand what it is like to be stressed and overworked, even from home these days, and can tailor a plan to address not only your stressful symptoms, but your wellbeing overall.
Are you feeling burned out and exhausted? Are you fatigued and tired all the time? To speak to one of our consultants about a treatment plan contact us today or book an appointment online.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to substitute medical advice. All information and resources referenced, including medicinal preparations, fitness, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, are based on the opinion of the author. Please consult a medical practitioner if you require advice or are experiencing any worrisome symptoms.

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*