Making a Graceful Change

What is Menopause?
Menopause is not a disease, it is simply the time when menstruation and ovulation stops completely. The transition period typically from age 45 – 55 is a time of hormonal change known as perimenopause.
Some common signs of menopause are irregular and lighter menstruation, vaginal dryness, drying and thinning of the skin and lowered libido. Although it is a perfectly natural process which does not need to be too uncomfortable, many women experience unpleasant symptoms brought on partly as a result of reducing levels of oestrogen and progesterone (among others), which cause them to turn to hormone use for menopause treatment. It is important however, to see the signs of menopause symptoms as the body’s call for help.
A woman’s smooth transition through menopause is largely dependent on how healthy and balanced her lifestyle and body were in the period leading up to her early 40’s. The imbalances that cause the unwelcome symptoms and signs of menopause have been going on in the body for some time; the stress of the hormonal changes that are taking place merely accentuates the effects of a prior ongoing chronic depletion of resources. While every woman is different, the common factor is that the body is in need of nutritional specific (menopause diet), mental, emotional and physical support to complete the natural treatment for menopause.
What are the Signs of Menopause?
Signs of Menopause include the following: hot flushes, irregular periods, night sweats, digestive problems, insomnia, vaginal dryness, painful sex, urinary urgency and infections, loss of libido, fluid retention, mood swings, heart palpitations, depression & anxiety, lack of energy, itching, tingling skin, dry hair, migraine, joint pain, back pain, breast tenderness & swelling, skin thinning & drying, memory & concentration problems and candida. There is also menopause weight gain due to hormonal imbalance. Navigating the intricacies of menopause can be challenging. However, there is hope in the form of menopause natural treatment. If you are looking for menopause treatment in Australia, we suggest you take the Ayurvedic path.
Signs of Menopause

What about the use of hormone replacement (HRT)?

Many individuals looking for menopause treatment in Australia often think about going for an HRT. Any treatment that seeks to resolve menopausal symptoms by supplying deficient hormones, whether synthetic as in allopathic HRT or ‘natural’ can be expected to clog the body’s channels even further, paving the way for serious health problems later. The body manufactures its own hormones as and when they are required, provided that it is supplied with the necessary raw materials. This is why is it essential to clear the body’s channels and rejuvenate the endocrine system before any form of menopause treatment, be it HRT or otherwise, be undertaken. Before going for any allopathic treatment, give a chance to natural treatment for menopause.
What is the Ayurvedic explanation of Menopause?
Menopause is associated with the midlife transition and the Vata stage of life – symptoms result from disturbance in the doshas and aggravation of pre-existing Vata imbalance. Symptoms are primarily of high Vata, however what signs of menopause a woman may experience will depend on her innate body constitution. Build- up of metabolic wastes (ama) can also accumulate in the body leading to the more extreme menopause symptoms. An ayurvedic practitioner can identify your body’s personal constitution, understand your symptoms and customise a natural treatment for menopause. If you are looking for a menopause treatment in Australia, be sure to reach us.
How can Ayurvedic treatment help me?
Effects of Menopause Natural Treatment
As each woman is unique, your menopause natural treatment program is prepared with close attention to individual dietary and lifestyle factors. Herbal combinations and menopause dietary advice to strengthen and rejuvenate the female reproductive system, regulate the hormones and calm the emotions, together with gentle exercise regimes and breathing techniques are all natural remedies for menopause that help to open up the body channels and improve transport of nutrients and hormones throughout the body.
Menopause does not have to be an ordeal to be survived – it can be an opportunity to rejuvenate the body, physically, mentally and spiritually.
With the right support, the unwelcome signs of menopause quickly start to fade away. Rewards in the form of greater energy, vitality, enhanced mental and emotional balance, improved digestion, and a general slowing down of the aging process are experienced.
What should I do next?
To receive a personalised plan of natural treatment for menopause addressing your perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopausal symptoms, natural remedies for menopause or for further information, please call for a 10-minute free consultation or fill out the form. We will contact you to discuss how an Ayurvedic approach to treating your menopause symptoms can help you. We also offer a 24-week Menopause Treatment Programme that utilises all aspects of Raman Das’ YATAN approach.
A menopause diet is best created when you sit with an Ayurvedic practitioner and they can assess all your vitals, existing menopausal symptoms, dosha type and any other long standing condition. However, there are some general food items that can be beneficial during menopause. These foods aim to support hormonal balance, bone health, manage weight, and alleviate menopausal symptoms. Here are some recommendations for foods to include in a menopause diet.
- Incorporate whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and barley. These are rich in fibre, essential nutrients, and provide sustained energy levels.
- Eat a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables daily. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health and well-being.
- Incorporate Ayurvedic herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, fenugreek, and ashwagandha.
- Instead of processed snacks, opt for nuts, seeds, or fresh fruit to keep energy levels stable.
- Stay well-hydrated with plenty of water and herbal teas. Avoid excessive caffeine and opt for calming teas like chamomile or peppermint.
Remember that individual dietary needs can vary, and it’s essential to pay attention to your body’s response to different foods. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns, it’s crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or a qualified healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.
A natural treatment for menopause focuses on alleviating menopausal symptoms and promoting overall well-being through holistic approaches. It typically includes a combination of lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, herbal supplements, and mind-body practices. Lifestyle modifications may involve regular exercise to support bone health and manage weight, stress-reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation to promote mental well-being, and adequate sleep to support hormonal balance.
Book a 10-minute free consultation and learn more about natural treatment for menopause.
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