Ayurvedic Treatment For Cramps
A cramp is a sudden, involuntary muscle contraction which, although generally brief and non-damaging, can be extremely painful. The cause can be occupational, as in the repetitive use of tools stressing a particular muscle or set of muscles, or it might be the result of dehydration, a specific deficiency such as magnesium, calcium or potassium, or a build-up of lactic acid – common in sports people. Certain drugs can also cause the problem by leeching minerals out of the body. In many cases, however, it can simply be a matter of low vitality, which in itself is often caused by a mineral deficiency, particularly of magnesium or iron. Some people find that magnesium supplementation helps, that for many this is not enough. Supplementing one mineral does not take into account the fact that it requires the presence of other minerals and vitamins to work properly, for example magnesium requires the presence of adequate calcium for effective absorption.
Because of the impossibility of gauging the respective amounts of each vitamin or mineral that might be required by any one individual, Ayurveda prefers to approach the matter of deficiency as far as possible through diet. Some Yoga practices are very beneficial, in particular the Locust Posture and Uttanpadasna (see ‘Yatan Yoga’).
If you suffer from chronic cramp and would like help please call us at the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260 to book a consultation.
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